This PDF presents three new types of ammunition and several types of firearms. There are illustrations of the firearms mentioned as well as of the ammunition types. The illustrations are b/w and well-done, even though they could have had some more detail. The weapons presented are from the "near future" (basically covering a time period from about 2010 to 2030).
The PDF is well-written, obviously by someone with a knowledge of the handgun jargon. I've spotted two minor editing mistakes. I'm not entirely convinced of the technical feasibility of certain designs presented, but the firearms in question look cool, and this is a role-playing supplement, not "Handgun Digest", so that is OK by me.
In general this is a great PDF for a DM who wants to "spice up" the list of "Light revolver" and "Heavy handgun" for his/her players.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The illustrations look good, and will certainly make your players crave the firearms presented. <br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The time period. I don't really know what kind of setting to use these weapons for, except perhaps a Cyberpunk one. They are too modern for a "modern day" campaign, and too old for general use in most d20 Future campaigns I have in mind. This is a minor quip, really, as someone with a good imagination probably can come up with a good explanation.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>