Overall thoughts: A product with some great ideas, but most of the options are unbalanced; missing information, and in need of revision and review. Writing is clearly amatuer, but (mostly) clear on what the author intends. Worth getting if you want a solid starting point for new archetypes, but are willing to put in the work to balance features/abilities.
Barbarian: Path of the Wildfire
Overall, not bad, but not terribly impressive. "To Hot to Handle" is missing a level, and 3 damage is shockingly low (at the assumed level). Flavor-wise, this doesn't really feel very...Barbariany
Bard: College of Beasts
A superior version of the Ranger animal companion, not much else
Cleric: Hunt Domain
Overall, very neat. Fun flavor. The Channel Divinity feature "Killer Instinct" should probably specificy attacks only, otherwise spells like Blade Barrier. But definitely one of the better achetypes in this product
Druid: Circle of the Harvest
Possibly my favorite archetype in this product. The Reaper Druid culling the living is a terrifying mental image, and this archetype fits it via both flavor and mechanics.
Fighter: Dragonblood Knight
Ever wanted a fighter to have dragonborn abilities? Here you go. Mechanically, not extremely unbalanced, but you could also just play a dragonborn fighter and get most of these abilities already. Fills a very specific niche.
Monk: Way of the Changing Tides
Cool Water monk, mostly balanced abilities, the "Stand With the Tide" ability needs clarification (and a level) on exactly how it works, but you could make a really neat Waterbender type. The ability "Drain Liquids" is visually neat, but the wording of this ability is a mess. No level, awkward phrasing of what to do with liquidless creatures, and strange addition of an aspect to prevent resurrection. Great concept, poor execution.
Paladin: Oath of Liberty
Some of their abilities feel very weak when compared to other paladins. Prevention from being grappled/restrained doesn't feel nearly as useful when compared with other paladin auras. Channel Divinity choices are a lot of fun.
Ranger: Storm Chaser
Many of the abilities are strangely specific. If weather isn't a significant factor in your game, most of these abilities will go unused.
Rogue: Pactkeeper
A rogue with a few warlock invocations, and are good at hiding in shadows. Meh. The one really interesting ability, Shadows Embrace, isn't til 17th level (and should probably allow a saving throw)
Sorcerer: Succubus Bloodline
Some neat things here. The bonus to interaction checks is a bit overkill. Otherthan that, the draining kiss and enthrall mind abilities are fun and flavorful (Enthrall mind should have a level listed, and specificy that only one creature at a time can be under the effect of Enthrall Mind)
Warlock: Ghost Patron
Make a pact with a ghost, get ghost powers. Cool enough. The 14th level ability "Posession" has some realy fun implecations, but is not very clearly worded. Stylystically, it just doesn't seem to flow with the standard d&d method of writing
Wizard: School of Biomancy
Ever wish your Wizard was a bit Druidy? The biggest things that concern me here are wizards with access to healing spells (traditionally a big no-no), and while the giant familiar is a neat idea, not certain how useful it would be in game. But still, I can see this class being fun.
Summary: If this was a version 0.5, I would be impressed. It needs some work, and some polish to really make some cool ideas shine. As-is; everything here will probably need tweaking before use in game