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Sewer Map-Tiles - The Druid's Trees
Publisher: Black Scrolls Games
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/25/2016 10:27:13

Very High quality product. Wxcellent features and reusability.

I have purchased quite a few paper craft and map tile products over the years.

These sewer tiles are amazing. The electronic comes in two flavours.
PDF for printing out and making your own tiles and in a VTT format. Currently my gaming group that is older can't make it to a physical table. So we have started Virtial Table Top playing. The format provided with this product is designed to be ready to import into our VTT (Maptools) and looks excellent. There are tiles that have a light source and or items preplaced and then the same tile without these extras. Very nice in that on a VTT you can have player designated light sources and you can drop items on the map as needed.

I feel that the artist cares about their work and it really shows in each tile that is crafted with care and excellence in hight resoultion. I look forward to purchasing more of these products in the coming months. I plan on printing out a set and gluing them to foam board for my Black Plague adventures

I highly recommend this if you are playing physical or VTT.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Sewer Map-Tiles - The Druid's Trees
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Armor Grid: Mech Attack!
Publisher: Armor Grid Games and Miniatures
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/14/2014 15:31:10

Paper Craft Mechs, and vehicles are fantastic

As far as I can see everyone has spoken about the game. I have not played the game. BUT This is still worth it for the customization and quality of these miniatures.

Cut files are available on the forums.
Builds are great. Look great, go together great.

Over all a fantastic product that I highly recommend.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Armor Grid: Mech Attack!
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WatchGuard + Teen Force 5 Standees
Publisher: Xion Studios
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2014 21:36:53

This is fantastic. Art is up there with really great Comics What else is there to say? If you need Heroes or Villains for your roleplaying game, or just like great art. Get these. Less then a cup of coffee and well worth it.

It makes me want to look at the game these are designed for.

Highly recommend these.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
WatchGuard + Teen Force 5 Standees
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Vehicle Companion 3rd Edition
Publisher: Dream Pod 9
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2012 15:56:07

My first review of this product was scathing. But I kept it between myself and RPG staff.

Then a few months later this comes out. WAY BETTER PRODUCT. And Great customer service. Thanks for listening DP9.
And thanks for speaking for us DriveThru.

The graphics in this are far superior to the first pdf. Not even compatible. Tons of Vehicles of this great universe. Awesome art, good stats and cool history. I highly recommend this product now.
No it is not the physical book or have the quality that it does. But it was a quarter of the price.

Cons It is not perfect but it could also be the design of the book. I find about 9 in 10 of the great pictures are set on the page just so a piece of the graphic is off the page. Almost like a copy right protection method so they could sell you a book of their art with out a corner of a car or space ship or Gear being cut off the edge of the paper. hmmmmm It could have OCR as well. that would have been a nice touch. For these they lost a star.

Over all FAR superior to original scan. Product is MUCH improved over original. 4 out of 5 stars.

DP9 You brought me back with this product. Now please look at your other low res scans and correct them as well.


[4 of 5 Stars!]
Vehicle Companion 3rd Edition
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T-Builder [BUNDLE]
Publisher: Lord Zsezse Works
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2012 15:43:01

Almost intimidating in how powerful this is. Learning curve is there but just stick with it. You will quickly get the hang of it.

Use Print to PDF and you will have them for reprint.

Fantastic value. Great resolution and variation for a ton of Fantasy settings. HIGHLY recommend this complete product. I wish I had not taken so long to come back to recommend this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
T-Builder [BUNDLE]
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Twilight Street Heroic Scale FREE Horseman's Deli
Publisher: GiantGGames
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/31/2012 15:39:21

excellent free building. fits right in any modern scenario.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Twilight Street Heroic Scale FREE Horseman's Deli
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Lumber, Logs & Hay Bales Paper Models
Publisher: Dave Graffam Models
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2011 22:38:37

A great product, with lots of choices.

Will fill out your docks, warehouses, fields or city streets nicely.

I would like two things added to make this a total package. GSD Support, and Bricks piles like the lumber packages. Cinder Blocks for a more modern feel and red clay bricks that where the corner stone of building back when...

Still a fantastic purchase. I strongly recommend for filling out those back lots and warehouses on your gaming table.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lumber, Logs & Hay Bales Paper Models
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Wooden Fences Paper Models
Publisher: Dave Graffam Models
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/07/2011 22:33:11

Excellent, expansive and exquisitely illustrated.

Went above and beyond what I wanted. Good for high tech, fantasy or any other time period.

I highly recommend this product.

Perfectly priced for all that you get.

the only thing I would like to see is GSD support for Robo Cutters.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Wooden Fences Paper Models
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WorldWorks Games / TerrainlinX / MAYHEM: Armoury #3 - Mayhem Under Construction TLX
Publisher: WorldWorks Games
by Brett R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/05/2010 19:27:00

Purchased this product a few weeks back because of all the props i seen in it.

I was not disappointed, there are a ton of props in this kit that really add to the whole set.

The only thing that i would have like to have seen would have been a couple ground tiles that you would see at a construction site and a chain link or wooden fence that you could use to make the whole construction site not just a building under construction.

Over all I am quite happy, because I know eventually I will get the above items in a future addition.

Be it for Zombies horror, or heroes battling it out on a half finished sky scraper this is a really sharp kit that will bring it all to life for you.

I recommend this kit for your city builds.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
WorldWorks Games / TerrainlinX / MAYHEM: Armoury #3 - Mayhem Under Construction TLX
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