Very High quality product.
Wxcellent features and reusability.
I have purchased quite a few paper craft and map tile products over the years.
These sewer tiles are amazing.
The electronic comes in two flavours.
PDF for printing out and making your own tiles and in a VTT format.
Currently my gaming group that is older can't make it to a physical table.
So we have started Virtial Table Top playing.
The format provided with this product is designed to be ready to import into our VTT (Maptools) and looks excellent.
There are tiles that have a light source and or items preplaced and then the same tile without these extras.
Very nice in that on a VTT you can have player designated light sources and you can drop items on the map as needed.
I feel that the artist cares about their work and it really shows in each tile that is crafted with care and excellence in hight resoultion.
I look forward to purchasing more of these products in the coming months.
I plan on printing out a set and gluing them to foam board for my Black Plague adventures
I highly recommend this if you are playing physical or VTT.