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The Sprawl // NOON $21.30
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The Sprawl // NOON
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The Sprawl // NOON
Publisher: Ardens Ludere
by Robert S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/17/2021 15:44:13

I had a blast playing this with a very wild campaign, it really sold me on the usage of clocks. In hindsight after playing Blades in the Dark it would definitely benefit moreso from a flashback system baked into it rather than the planning phase but that's just personal preference from a GM perspective.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sprawl // NOON
Publisher: Ardens Ludere
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/05/2017 13:40:32

Not my first PBTA game, but an interesting a fun take on the Apoc World formula.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sprawl // NOON
Publisher: Ardens Ludere
by Charles V. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/06/2016 12:35:48

This game is fantastic. Your characters will be immersed in a sprawl which provides missions, gives them enough room to try to prepare, and then relentlessly goes after them with consequences and countdown clocks.

It's Powered By The Apocalypse, but with a strong push towards running missions in a cyberpunk dystopia. So you get a unique framing device, and rules to make things work. The players are pretty much either doing Legwork to prepare for a mission, or are in the Action portion where the mission plays out. Countdown clocks for the Legwork phase impact the mission, as they represent noise the PCs make as they gear up, talk to player-generated contacts, and try to work through vague or contradictory job information. The Action clock shows the players how close their are to hosing the mission. Threats get their own clocks, as do the corporations which crouch above all this, giving the PCs jobs, hunting them, owning them. It's very easy to build in new threats from prior missions and have them haunt the PCs.

It's also a system which doesn't require a ton of preparation, even though things are a bit more structured than Apocalypse World. The playbooks are wonderful nods to various important characters in the genre (via both moves and even thanks to the list of names each one comes with). The cyberwear is useful and a great addition to the *World Engine. The game uses harm clocks and a harm move reminiscient of AW more than Dungeon World, which I think is appropriate - hit point inflation doesn't really fit the genre very well, I'd argue. And some cyberwear definitely can help take the sting out of getting hurt.

I wrote a review a while ago here and stand by that thoroughly. Basically if you want an awesome cyberpunk game, you have found one that I've gotten a lot of mileage out of. I tend not to run a mission in a single session, as the Legwork my players do becomes an adventure unto itself, but I've gotten through almost 5 missions across about 13 sessions so far. The world has been built up over time as things become interesting to people, and we're getting to the point where there are a number of hunting corporations and threats jostling for position against the players. I'm excited to find out what happens.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Sprawl // NOON
Publisher: Ardens Ludere
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/04/2016 03:28:10

Worth every dollar. A high quality, well developed, fun to play rpg. Good job. Would definitely buy supplements.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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