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Just an incredible book. Lots of images available at your fingertips, and the quality is simply extraordinary. This is a great series of books, and Shane has not disappointed me yet. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is looking for fantasy images for use in publications or even for use to spice up your campaign world.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Good quantity of images, excellent quality of images.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: N/A<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Freakin' awesome book! I love Sacrosanct's clipart books, and I use them extensively in my publications! I highly recommend them to anyone and everyone who is needing artwork! -The Le, president of The Le Games<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Images look great!<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: N/A<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Awesome collection! Lots of different images, perfect for use in my Fantasy Books! I highly recommend this product to anyone looking to spice up their books and or fantasy campaign! --The Le Game, president The Le Games<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Excellent Quality images<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: N/A<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Great Stuff! I recommend this to anyone who needs artwork for their publications or home campaigns!
--The Le Games<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The high quality<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: N/A<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
What a fantastic product! I used these exclusively in two of my pdf products, both of which got great reviews. I have gotten all of their clip art packages so far, and I have not be let down yet! I can't wait to see their next products!
Beware though, as all the images are rendered in 3-d. This type of image may not work for all publishers and products, but I can say without a doubt that they are top notch images!
Each image comes as a seperate image file, which I appreciate greatly. I hate clipart packages that comes as a pdf files.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The price, the quality of the images, the usability.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Nothing. I loved everything about it. Great work!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
DISCLAIMER: Please note that The Le Games purchased this product for a freelancer as payment. This is technically his review. The Le Games is not affiliated with this product or it's publishers in any way.
REVIEW: This is a very modern type of D20 product and there is nothing wrong with that. Modern in that it selects a single issue (the maze) and then focuses on all aspects of the topic commonly encountered in a game session ? the setting, the character types, the fearsome creatures and the new feats and skills. When this is done well, with an interesting premise, then it can be a thorough and thoroughly useful introduction to a new area or idea ? but it does run the risk of being repetitive and with some other unnamed products frankly tedious. But Todd Crapper does not let us down and, named thus, how could he?
Mazes provides the reader with sufficient information to create whole adventures from mazes, with new a maze-striding class, maze-relevant feats and skills and of course monsters and magic to be found therein. More likely, part of an adventure or a dungeon will focus on the maze rather than a whole campaign, which might be too much of a challenge for a DM with a group of attention-challenged players.
I am not one for huge amounts of artwork, finding it often garish and distracting and so I ma glad to see it is used quite sparingly here, although every page has its geometric Minoan style border. No doubt other readers, who have become accustomed to high-impact graphics on every page will wish there to have been more but tastes vary. Some ideas which appear interesting may be too difficult to execute in practicality ? could you run a party through a spherical mage without a large box of aspirin? Then again, it is clear that thought and creativity has been put into writing the book and the style, while occasionally straying into the inelegant, is clear and generally comprehensible. This is good and well-presented work and I look forward to seeing more from the writer and others involved in its production.
John Walsh, Shinawatra International University, November 2004
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Some great stuff in here, all line art, which is a plus. The variety is pretty good overall, with images ranging from stand alone characters to action shots (like a dwarf swinging his weapon at a monster).
Easy to color too, if need be. I like this alot, and for the price it can't be beat. I am using some of this in my next product. Great Stuff!<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Good quality, B+w line art, great price.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: product comes as a PDF, rather than individual images.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Definitely a superior product over the original when it comes to overall quality, but lack of variety is a sting. Most of these pictures are portraits from the chest up, and are in grey scale rather than B+W line art, which can hurt some publishers. Most of the book is of high quality, but there are a good number of very low quality images too, which hurts the overall rating. They would have been better off just keeping the higher quality ones rather than arbitrarily padding their book. The other big problem is the lack of a Demo, which is my #1 pet peeve. I took a chance and it paid off for the most part, but it is hard to buy something when you don't know if it will work for you or not.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Good quality overall.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: a number of bad quality pics, and lack of demo hurts.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
It delivers on just what it promises -- a fast and furious space combat sims... with big ships.
It could use some Advanced rules, but for the price and sheer elegance, it can't be beat.
I recommend this to anyone who wants to command a starship into battle.
This book comes with core rules, printable counters, printable ship stat sheets, and printable map -- everything you need to start combat!
Disclaimer: The Le Games is not affiliated with this game or its publishers in anyway (but maybe we should be!).
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
DISCLAIMER: Please note that The Le Games purchased this product for a freelancer as payment. This is technically his review. The Le Games is not affiliated with this product or it's publishers in any way.
REVIEW: Gary Gygax adventures are in some ways still the best adventures around because of the sparse elegance of their style, their use of archetypal monsters and symbols and the way they brought the intelligent monster attack into common use. In Queen of the Spiders, players find their characters dragged through a variety of different settings, from the halls, steadings and hills of the giant lords to the depths of the Kuo-Tuans and the drow and then on to the demonweb pits. Yet above all, we are waiting for the arrival of the scantily clad and frankly rather nubile spider-queen-goddess depicted on the cover ? anyone else remember the 1980s?
Along the way, we meet all four elements and travel from the top to the bottom of the earth. We meet implacable and relentless foes, most of whom give us little option but to exterminate them and steal their possessions. We ? this is Gary Gygax ? occasionally come across the safe haven that the author provides for the heroes to establish a base, rest and recover their spells before the next assault on the bad guys. This is the adventure as the tactical squad assault and role playing is generally restricted to what grizzled fighters and mages can afford without compromising their combat and looting efficiency.
If there are reservations about this adventure now, it is that players who have come to the hobby in later years will expect different conventions ? more interaction with NPCs, more possibilities to escape from the linear story line and so forth. Besides which, D20 systems and their ilk are not really backwards-compatible anyway without some tedious fiddling about. However, for those who enjoyed D&D as it used to be, this is great fun. Where?s my potion of extra-healing, I?ve got dark elfs to slay!
John Walsh, Shinawatra International University, November 2004<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
AWESOME PRODUCT! I can use it to pay freelancers who do not have paypal, or send it out as prizes to my customers! AWWEESOOMMEE!!!<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Everything. It's the cats Meow.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: MEOW!!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
DISCLAIMER: Please note that The Le Games purchased this product for a freelancer as payment. This is technically his review. The Le Games is not affiliated with this product or it's publishers in any way.
REVIEW: There is always a place for games which are simple, complete and based on an interesting subject. With Blazing Jets, FJGaming brings these ideas to the combat between NATO and Warsaw Pact air forces, providing a game which is quick and enjoyable. The download comes complete with all necessary maps, counters, charts and statistics. The basic game uses one or two aircraft per side which manoeuvre on a square grid map within a small number of height bands. In other words, the planes very quickly move into range of each other and then use tactics to shoot down the opposition without offering a target in return. Advanced rules include such complications as airstrips, aircraft carriers, helicopters and civilian craft. These are all handled sensibly and will not slow down the game unnecessarily. Above all, the game focuses on the actions of the fighter planes themselves and this makes sure the pace is maintained ? the scale is such that ground units do not move at all and exist mostly as targets to shoot at ? great fun!
The manoeuvres that planes can undertake are at the heart of the system and 20 are listed. As has been seen in other games, including FJGaming?s own Barmy Biplanes, the starting square and orientation and the ending square and orientation are clearly shown and it is easy for planes to move simultaneously. It is also very easy to play the game solitaire just by rolling a dice for which manoeuvre the enemy plane or planes conduct. Additional suggestions provide ways of expanding the action to the Gulf War and Vietnam War and it would not be difficult to expand to other possible actions. A space combat game would also be possible with these rules.
All in all, this is an excellent bargain and a fine game which, while seeming to cover most of the complexities of aerial warfare in the 1970s-90s, does not over-complicate the issue. It will suit anyone games player looking for a short and fun effort at shooting other players out of the sky. Those who are experts in modern aeronautics and who would prefer more complexity can probably add their own to this basic game engine.
John Walsh, Shinawatra International University, August 2004
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: "It will suit anyone games player looking for a short and fun effort at shooting other players out of the sky."<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Creator Reply: |
Hi John,
Wow... thanks :) I am great risk of my head swelling after reading that review and I just hope future products can do it justice.
-Jon |
DISCLAIMER: Please note that The Le Games purchased this product for a freelancer as payment. This is technically his review. The Le Games is not affiliated with this product or it's publishers in any way.
REVIEW: There are so many weird and wonderful products available for fantasy role players these days that it is difficult to remember the impact that the Menzobarranzan Campaign Set had when it was first released nearly twenty years ago. Black and evil underground elves ? drow; the dread spider queen Lolth ? fantastic stuff and a step beyond the rather sunny world of hobbits and dwarfs that we had played with before. Now by releasing the campaign set as a PDF download, the Wizards (previously TSR) have made it possible for those of us who remember Menzo to recreate our youths and those who came to gaming in the years after to see what gaming used to be like.
The set comes with the three original books ? the first being the setting of the underground city itself, the second being descriptions of the warring drown houses and the third outlining the recommended adventure ? together with a poster. As would be expected with this publisher, there are quite detailed sections on society, monsters, magic and religion. Lolth herself is a pleasingly laissez-faire kind of goddess and rarely bothers with her numerous worshippers. I would prefer to see more campaign religions of this more mature sort, rather than the seemingly endless stream of earnest interventionist do-gooder gods and their followers we get from other products. The drow are all also nicely wicked and indulge in backstabbing and, we can imagine although rarely talk about, have sex with each other. And all of this within a city filled with poisonous mushroom spores, stalactites and stalagmites hiding vicious monsters and an economic system that almost makes sense.
Players who are familiar with the more complicated d20 systems and who want substantial and standardized statistics blocks should probably stay away from Menzo and other products of this line because they may become frustrated with trying to convert from this earlier system. However, for those interested in how to create a detailed setting with a consistent theme and feeling will be interested in checking out an important part of FRPG history.
John Walsh, Shinawatra International University, August 2004
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
A fairly nice book. The artwork is very good, and all in black + white, which is perfect for my own needs. But make no mistake about it -- the quality of what you get is nowhere near as high as the quality of the cover, which can be a bit misleading.
The lack of a Demo/preview is suspicious at best, but overall I liked this product. However, I suspect that this won't be for everyone. I mean, can your really make use of a picture of cat-people?
I have to give this 3 stars (out of 5) because I really like this book for myself. But I knock it a point because you basically have to buy it sight-unseen. The lack of demo/preview is sad indeed. There is also the issue of usefulness. Although it is useful to me, I suspect it may be less useful to other publishers. The quality internally is good, but you could do better for the price. If I could give it 3.5 stars, I would.
A VERY VERY nice book. The images are easily scalable to be larger or smaller as needed, thanks to the pdf technology. It is a shame that I have to copy/paste from the pdf to my image editor, but that is a very minor quibble.
20 images comes with this book, which is a great deal for the low price they are asking. Since the images are all in black + white, rather than grey scale, it was very easy to color them in to have a very comic book feel. Nearly all the images are in action sequences, which brings a great dynamic to them -- the artist, Tony Perna, really knows how to draw a comic book style.
And to be able to use these images in my own products is just great. Art can be expensive, and using this product is a fantastic way to illustrate your superhero book for the budget minded. I used this product exclusively for my own M&M Superlink book.
Once again, I have to take it down a notch because of it being in pdf format rather than jpg (or other image format). If I could give it 4.5 stars rather than 4, I would, but there are no 1/2 ratings here.
I highly recommend this product to anyone who needs superhero art for their game, product, or just to put on your wall. I hope LPJ brings out more of these books, because I could always use more of this type of product in my own library.