If you're only going to run one module from Season 4, make it this one. It is AMAZING!
Recommend Purchase: Yes....Yes Yes YES!
XP Range: 3,000-4,000
The overall story woven between all fourteen modules is called 'Misty Fortunes and Absent Hearts' and is relatively strong overall, but suffers for a couple reasons. The final module probably wasn't written at the time the first was released, so they couldn't or didn't want to spill some of the meta information that DMs would have LOVED to have. In the early modules things would occur 'deus ex machina' and even the DM wouldn't have a clue as to why.
If you're planning on running these, i HIGHLY recommend buying the bundle, reading the DDAL04-14 (The Dark Lord) Adventure Overview on pages 7-8 to see where everthing is heading ... and then reading each module's Overview in turn before running everything. This will help you greatly.
If you start with the first module you'll have enough XP to level up, stay within the module tiers and make it all the way to the 14th module. Afterwards you could always play a few chapters of the Curse of Strahd Harcover and then leave Barovia behind.
Before running any Season 4 module, you should download the following content:
- dndadventurersleague.org/barexit-escaping-the-mists-of-barovia/
- dndadventurersleague.org/curse-of-strahd-backgrounds/
- DMSGUILD: DDAL04 Expanded Dark Gifts Table [OPTIONAL CONTENT]
Season 4 initially couldn't leave the Demiplane of Dread until the very end, but the Admins later introduced the 'Barexit' mechanic.