Dear Reader,
Convicts and Cthulhu is 94 pages plus covers and PC sheets.
Also the Contents are hyperlinked to the page. No Index.
I paid 4.50 for this pdf as suggested. I was not disappointed. Convicts and Cthulhu is highly detailed as a source-book for Call of Cthulhu.
It is set in 1800's Sydney Cove, Australia, near the beginning of colonization by the British.
There are many mind-bending illustrations anda fabulous wealth of text, setting out what life was like during this period. Really outstanding was the attention to detail provided by the authors! There are six types of boomerangs shown in illustration. The effects of drunkenness are also featured, no really and right next the the effects of various levels of literacy!
You could pay zero dollars for this masterpiece of role-playing but come-on chuck these guys a bone it won't hurt you. This was a labour of love for the writers and there are NO typos. Great read.
Personally, I hope they do a similar source book for 1920's Melbourne so I can thrown them another bone.