Deadlands is one of those odd games for my tastes. I know it is very popular, and I am happy that many others like it. To each their own, as it were.
What I find most odd about the game is not really the setting but the system. This is a real "bells & whistles" system. It employs dice, of all shapes and in goodly number. It also involves poker chips, in several colours. It also involves playing cards. At that point I tend to get overloaded. I prefer cleaner, simpler systems, such as "Over the Edge", "Ars Magica", and "Castle Falkenstein". The fewer the number of types of randomizers, the better.
On the other hand, I do have to point out my favourite aspect of this game -- hucksters. I love the thought that magic is really done through card tricks and that Hoyle's Rules is secretly a magic treatise! That is fun, clever, and really develops a character type quickly!
In any case, despite my not-quite-stellar rating, I encourage people to download this game just to see how different of a system it is. It may encourage creative juices of your own!