An interesting collection of spells, I find myself torn but generally happy. Some (NOT the majority, but a notable minority) of the spells seem to bend some of the basic D20 principles of spell creation (a few are too strong, a few are too weak). Conversely, the spells are quite creative and just /feel/ fun, which more than makes up for this deficit.
I love the names of several of these spells: A Fool's Nose Turns Blue, Rust Your Blade To Nasty Scrumbles, and "You're Not Real! Get Back In Your Book!" as good examples. Most of the spells are meant for Wizards/Sorcerers, of course, but there is a good mix of spells for Bards, Rangers and Clerics as well. The mix of spells is also good for levels, with at least as many for the lower levels (0-3) as for the higher; in fact, I think there are a few more for the lower levels, but I have yet to actually count them.
So give it a try, but watch out for specific spells. Choose carefully from this product and you will have a lot to add to your game.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Fun new ideas for spells (and spell titles!). Several variations on spells to apply in new situations. Three pdf files in one (Portrait, Landscape, Printer Friendly).<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Several typos and some questionable application of spell principles -- you will have to weed through these spells carefully to decide which to use and which not to use in any given campaign.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>