The Master Crafter class has a nice progression of abilities. Also, the class abilities themselves and the city feats are nice touches for adding to crafting inclined PCs or NPCs.
The Jack class feels very awkward as it tries to fill a strange niche of "skilled un-skilled laborer". Bizarrely, a character can become up to level 20 (mechanically very skilled/powerful) while thematically being just a farmer. Really, this class feels very forced and I can't imagine ever using it in my own campaign.
In terms of implementation, I don't really see the need to give class levels to NPCs like this document implies. Taking some of the abilities or feats in this document and applying them to a buffed up Commoner NPC and just calling them a "Master Weaver" etc. would be more than sufficient. 5e specifically attempts to move away from the complexity of tracking class levels for NPCs, so this document feels like it is moving in the wrong direction.
Finally, this document has a low level of polish for the requested price. There are a number of typos and formatting inconsistencies throughout the document, as well as a jarring shift between fonts throughout. At this price level one should expect a higher and more professional production quality.
In my opinion this is better suited to a "Pay What You Want" level and the $1.99 price tag is far too high given the quality of other products out there.