When I wrote that Fantasy Holiday Series didn't contain any monster or evil holidays I was wrong. This book contains all the monster holidays and evil holidays. While some holidays are simply a secret gathering of monsters and miscreats, other holidays monsters go and raid everything in sight and tear apart villages. They are each explained describing time of year, length, racial recognition, and a description of the holiday. The holidays are; Black Binding (Vampires), Blessed Slaughtering (Human), Dusk of the Web (Evil Humans, Humanoids, and Spider-like Creatures), Fairy Fall and Fairy Rain (Humans), Festival of Dragons (Dragons and Dragon Kin), Gathering of Snakes (Evil Humanoids), Goblins Bluff (Hobgoblins and Orcs), Howling Run (Werewolves), Ritual of Drums (Minotaurs), Toady Day (Goblins), Troll's Scythe (Trolls), Unicorn's Blood Night (Evil Humans & Humanoids), Unicorn's Passing (Humans, Elves), Wind of Wispering Spirits (Humans). Most of these holidays are pretty good and the others can be adapted for roleplaying. All in all a pretty good book.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The holidays are well detailed and put together.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Some of the holidays happen too often. I doubt that every dragon is going to fly to a meeting place every year. Maybe every hundred years. Some of these happen too often.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>