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Guide to the Sabbat
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/17/2013 14:03:32

Vampire the Masquerade laid strong framework for the Sabbat and included the Code of Milan. This book further develops the Sabbat with great finesse and attention to detail. It is very complete and very intuitive. The ranks, rituals and philosophies of this sect of Vampire society are all expertly revealed. Any novice or professional writer would do well to purchase this guide. However, the section on the ghouls is rather gratuitous and not realistic in parts. As a whole the Sabbat wouldn't treat their ghouls as such lowly creatures. The sum of its parts would, as the fragments of any civilization would mistreat some of their people, but given the Ghoul's greater adaptability to daylight than vampires, it does not stand to reason that the Sabbat would abuse them. Their status as shock troops and menial servants is fully plausible and well expressed, but the disdain and arbitrary disposal for ghouls is too shortsighted a conception to be used in a narrative context.

Without this minor inconsistency, I would have given the book a five star rating. It's pity that the writers gave into excess with the ghouls. They could have depicted them in a more reasonable fashion. However, the rest of the text contains the most useful information that any Vampire fan could wish to find on the most sinister and insidious Sect of Vampire civilization.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Guide to the Sabbat
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Shadowrun: First Edition
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/07/2013 14:47:09

Shadowrun brings into focus the darker self-interests of society and manifests them very stylishly in a very distinctive universe. The Mega Corporations are what existing capitalists would like to become, if they thought the state wasn't as much of a power to reckoned with as they'd like it to be. The meta-humanity is a very inventive variation of the current diversity of races on Earth and the fragmentation of mankind very similar to the Wild West.

The book is well written. Everything is nicely introduced and all the players are imaginatively designed. As an RPG, Shadowrun laid the foundation for others. Its background material inspired others to to as well as them, not to mention lead to the creation of video games and novels. This is a purchase you should make if you want to know how to narrate your own stories in science fictional contexts. It was a ground breaker, which brings familiar elements to bear, but reinvents them in very creative and original ways.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: First Edition
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Shadowrun: Underworld Sourcebook
Publisher: Catalyst Game Labs
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/01/2013 07:33:51

Well documented and very informative, this book will greatly enlighten people about criminal societies and their organizations. Each of the big league players and their respective activities are fleshed out in great detail. The end section on how to use them and their holdings is is very insightful and to the point. I highly recommended this book for those who wish to blend organized crime with the already controversial Shadowrun universe.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Shadowrun: Underworld Sourcebook
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Vampire: The Requiem Demo Full
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/05/2013 14:24:14

A well printed, clear and informative introduction to the Vampire. It presents the most important facts, the background and organization of the Vampire clans most effectively. If you are serious about writing in this genre and need to save, read the introductory guide to prepare you for what lies ahead.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Requiem Demo Full
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Werewolf the Apocalypse - Free Introductory Kit
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/05/2013 14:21:19

A useful synopsis of the landmark RPG. It contains essential information about history and the werewolves of the 1st edition of the werewolf in a very neat package. For writers who cannot yet afford the full core rule book, I would strongly recommend it to them. It has all the material to base a story on and may give them enough incentive to buy the full product and its fellow supplements.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Werewolf the Apocalypse - Free Introductory Kit
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Blood of the Wolf
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/22/2013 07:56:48

A well researched and very informative source book. Blood of the Wolf explains the abilities of the wolf, be they their regeneration process, how they adapt to urban and wild environments and their drives, in very clear detail. The section on the wolf-blood in particular offers very handy insight into the werewolf's psyche, how they relate to their parents, other humans and beings. Besides the Forsaken, this is the most insightful product of the line that I've read. I wholeheartedly endorse it to anyone who wants to write for the Werewolf: The Forsaken franchise.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Blood of the Wolf
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Lodges: The Faithful
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/12/2013 14:04:51

This book gives great insight into the lodge concept of the Forsaken. It explains the purpose, recruiting methods and goals of the lodges well. However many lodges receive only basic treatment overall and much of their depth is left unexplored. Some of them, such as the Lodges of Garm, Ruin, Arms and Mammon were very well documented, but the others were described too briefly. This is a shame because the basic ideas are well structured. Additional substance to all the lodges, or the inclusion of less of them, would have made the book better finished.

Having said that there are some fine examples for narrator´s to use and how the lodges work is explained in excellent detail. As a building block for stories, this publication will serve the readers of White Wolf well, although more development on many of the lodges will be needed to integrate them into a narrative. With just a little more work, though, this could easily have been a five star book.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Lodges: The Faithful
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