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V20 Companion
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/06/2013 03:03:38

Not much new is added in this volume, but the core essential information about rank, title and status is well recycled from the guides to the Camarilla, Sabbat and Anarchs. It contains what V20 missed out. V20 Companion does well to fill in the blanks of the 20th Anniversary Edition, even though certain elements like the Black Hand are not featured. V20 Companion brings back the great material that gave more detailed information about the sects, clans and organization of the Vampire society of the Masquerade. The section of Kindred and technology explains how Vampires regard modern devices and how they would use them to their own ends. A blend of metaphysics and technophobia is a strange mixture, but this title will help you determine how to combine them to best effect.

The art of the book preserves White Wolf's creative spirit superbly. Whoever is behind the recompilation of the the Masquerade genre know how to put the right illustrations in the best places. I could spend hours looking at the images. They make me feel like me as they could come alive at any moment.

The title of Sheriff is described in a very one dimensional way and the book could have expanded on the others that had been mentioned before in V20 without asking the reader to refer to that volume. The publication has a slightly encyclopedic feel that is not typical of White Wolf's writing staff method of writing supplementary material. Another twenty pages could have been written to round off some of the ideas a little better.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
V20 Companion
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Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/06/2013 02:37:00

A smaller, but nonetheless necessary addition to the Forsaken library. The examples of territory, totem and pack are well described and, with the right authors, could be a central component of any Forsaken narrative. As always, diversity of ideas plays a strong role in the execution of this book. Buy it if you want to better develop the surroundings and inhabitants for your works of fictions.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Caine's Chosen: The Black Hand
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/26/2013 13:32:10

Indeed, the Black Hand is well described, its organization is explained in efficient detail, its sphere of operations is well covered. I do agree, however, that examples of campaigns and characters would have greatly enhanced the quality of this book. There is much to be gleamed about the Black Hand from this title, but a sample of what it is like to be a member of a tribe a pack, an organization, is a method that the writer's of White Wolf did not employ in this particular installment and it leaves the book somewhat unfinished.

However, it is a solid addition to the line and no Sabbat worshiper should be without it. They can learn much from reading Caine's Chosen.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Caine's Chosen: The Black Hand
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: Onyx Path Publishing
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/26/2013 13:09:24

The 20th Anniversary edition of Werewolf restores the original werewolf in a marvelous way. The Garou Nation, complete with its auspices, breeds and Tribes, is renewed with the most spectacular flair, both literally and visually speaking. The comic book that precedes the source book helps set the gears of the the proverbial Apocalypse machine in motion. From the get go, you get the feel of the werewolf and the packs move, talk, interact with their spirit and corporeal enemies, a few of the sample character types to come and through the dialogue get a very intriguing first impression of the genre.

Very conscientious in its descriptions of all facets of the Garou Nation, the mentalities that govern them, along with the human organizations and the entities of the Shadow World that are the werewolves natural enemies, this volume is a natural historian's dream dream. The ways of the wolf are well documented and put into a literary context to be blended with human ways very creatively. The diversity of the tribes and entities that exist within the World of Darkness where the Garou walk has the potential to open many doors and inspire an enormous variety of story hooks.

As with the 20th Anniversary edition of Vampire, W20 rejuvenates the classic werewolf and makes them so believable, they´ll leap out of the page at you to take chunk of your flesh. With a printer and a decent amount of ink, the comic strip and the illustrations are superior art pieces that were made by a primitive genius. Not unlike Vampire, the gore of the killing scenes may be too much for the weak of hart, so reader discretion is, indeed, advised.

Otherwise, this is a perfect return to the 1992 phenom that earned the love of so many fans of literature. Buy it, if you really want an invigorating, impressive universe, filled with creatures bigger than life to write tales about.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition
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Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/24/2013 15:28:23


The highest quality art and excellent presentation are one of the most compelling things about this book. The colors are all very vivid, the poses of the vampires are imaginative. The gore, in the form of the depictions of decapitation and slit wrists and throat in one illustration, might turn off some and captivate others. In black and white, the images contained within are seriously worth printing to keep monuments of and to stimulate the writer's mind.


In grey-scale, the art takes on a classical Gothic, mysterious kind of life. It more accurate represents the Vampire in a way, because it was created by a man in the late 19th century, when color photography was not featured as prominently as it is in today's publications. The models in the book are really attractive, each in their own distinct ways. No two models are alike and the hand drawn illustrations gain a mystical, intriguing quality.


The introduction of the Vampire, the guidance on storytelling are very neatly written and the red headers add a stylish edge. How to write about stories of the Masquerade must be read to know how to begin to fathom the art of writing for beginners and a good reminder for seasoned writers. The essential methods of building a foundation for fiction are brilliantly explained. The titles, statuses clans and sects are very complete, even though some are concisely covered. The worldly archetypes and occupations your vampires can take are described very thoroughly. New or familiar to the genre, you must read the book from stem to stern. It's extensive and a mountain of patience is required in order to finish it, but when you're done, you'll be well-informed and eager to learn more precise details about the Camarilla, the Sabbat, the Anarch movement and the Independents. You'll also be able to build your characters from the ground up, give them their abilities, backgrounds, powers and make them play as prominent a role in your works of fictions as you see fit. The bloodlines will certainly give you fine starting points from which to begin. The ghouls and revenants offer many possibilities, too.

Thank you very much, White Wolf! This is a rebirth of one of the RPG titles that helped set the gears of supernatural fiction into motion.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Vampire: The Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition
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Signs of the Moon
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2013 14:18:11

A superbly presented and very humane piece of literature. Every page reflects the best possible digital care and attention to detail. They were made by a sculptor's hand and the content was written by the most creative of White Wolf's staff. The auspices were well documented in the Core Rulebook and referred to elsewhere, but Signs of the Moon gives them the proper exposure they deserve. The writers perform the chore of making them distinctive very well. Every auspice is very distinct, but all combined, they meld together to make a fine, liquid metal that can take many forms.

The hand written segments are a brilliant reminder of the now fading art of handwriting. They recreate very real accounts of werewolves. What is inscribed feels like living beings putting their thoughts to paper. The several forms of writing styles help make each of the notes in the narrative compelling in the sense that they create a menagerie of different personalities and perspectives. Each one introduces completely different circumstances and attitudes. No auspice is at all like, but they all come together to help form a whole. Not one of them is described the same way, creating a rich diversity of possibilities in the process.

It´s a pleasure to look and read in equal measure. For learning, it´s indispensable, for art, it´s a treasure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Signs of the Moon
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The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/21/2013 14:00:07

There is useful information in this book. The different mentalities of the Tribes of the Moon, introduced in the Core Rulebook, are developed more and the internal chemistry of each of them is elaborated on well. The passages about what is needed to join a tribe or pack are well written and the Ghost Wolves section is especially enlightening. The part that discusses how the Forsaken in different countries cope with their surroundings, in different countries presents some interesting ideas that can be to craft detailed stories. They will stick in the reader's minds and can aid very well in the creation of Forsaken literature.

However, this volume doesn't add many new ideas, overall. It mostly expands upon what has already been written before. The concept of the clutch and the extra gifts are original and handy, but what makes this book worth buying is the greater depth it can give to the Forsaken and it can enlarge the sphere of knowledge of how their minds work. In order to have pleased me enough to give The Rage a better rating, it would have had to have come up with more fresh material.

Whatever faults the book has, however, it makes up for them by delving deeper into the methodology and psychology of the Forsaken, how they organize their packs and how they relate to newcomers. Readers of role playing will find facts and explanations worthy of praise and implementation in.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Rage: Forsaken Player's Guide
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The War Against the Pure
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2013 13:25:39

War is a complex subject. There is more to it than anyone who has not studied military history and organization realize. The level of expertise and knowledge must be high for anyone to write about the subject of how open armed conflict works, what tactics are used, how the participants partake of it. Thankfully, War against the Pure provides all the tools writers will need in order to familiarize themselves with how to start and fight a war. The concepts of chivalry, structure, warlords and the followers of war are all generously provided in this volume. For those who wish to pit the Forsaken, or the Pure, depending on which side you wish to take, against their mortal enemy, this book is definitely one you should own.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The War Against the Pure
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The Pure
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2013 13:20:35

Part barbaric prose, part realist material, the Pure is an impressive installment. It makes the Pure a separate and unique entity very well, although the issue of rape and the vulgar use of profanity to define the tribe in Chapter 1, may be very off-putting. It certainly was for me and there were certain other references in the book that were needlessly unpleasant. This is a shame, because the rest of the book is very compelling. The art is as succulent and awe inspiring as ever and the Pure are very well defined and plausible in terms of both their natures and their goals.

I would have certainly awarded this book a five star rating, hadn't it been for the bouts of bad taste contained within. White Wolf, unfortunately, has always suffered from a tendency to lean on the cruel and sadistic. The Pure could have done without both and even the art suffers from it in parts. However, the whole outweighs the sum of its parts and this piece of literature is an admirable title that ought to find its way into your library. It'll help add flavor and diversity to your stories. Just skip the parts on sexual and physical abuse and you'll be drawn deeply into the text.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Pure
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Tribes of the Moon
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/12/2013 13:12:49

This book breathes incredible life into the Tribes of Mother Luna. It explores each of the five tribes of the Forsaken in very interesting and informative ways. The Core Rulebook of the Forsaken introduced each of them well and gave useful examples for narrators to use, but Tribes of the Moon develops them in very imaginative and thought provoking ways. Of all the books you will need in order to write stories about the Forsaken, you should read this one to gain a better understanding of how their society works. Each of the five tribes is distinct and the information about them can bring many ideas to mind, both subtle and brutal.

Buy this book if you want to have a more complete knowledge of Forsaken werewolves.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Tribes of the Moon
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Archons and Templars
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/02/2013 13:28:01

A very handy guide for narrators who wish to include the vaunted agents of justice and order in their stories for Vampire the Masquerade. It details these two agents in great detail. It is one of the best examples of how White Wolf could specialize in a subject and deliver an insightful piece of work. Besides the Guides to the Sects and Ghoul: Fatal Addiction, Children of the Night and Havens of the Damned, Archons and Templars is one of the core essential books to buy. All combined these volumes will make a complete circle that will make a decent writer for White Wolf's classic version of the Vampire out of anyone.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Archons and Templars
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Children of the Night
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/24/2013 07:26:12

Children of the Night is a most helpful volume. It provides fine characters to include in any kind of story. Whether you wish to write your own novels, novellas, or short stories about the Camarilla, the Sabbat, the Independents or the Inconnu, this book will supply the kind of personalities that will make compelling works of literature for Vampire the Masquerade. Of all the supplementary source books created by White Wolf, this is one of the deepest. Each character is given his or her own very distinct and well written backgrounds, histories and life experiences. Even Dracula himself is featured, giving reader's of Bram Stoker's groundbreaking title a chance to include him in their chronicles. Buy this book if you want to know more about the soul of the vampire in all its diverse forms.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Children of the Night
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Guide to the Anarchs
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/19/2013 12:39:24

Very detailed, inventive and insightful, Guide to the Anarchs gives the revolutionaries of Vampire society great character. Equal in content to the other Sect guides, the Guide to the Anarchs completes the circle of different players in the Masquerade and effectively relates them to the Camarilla and the Sabbat in brilliant ways. The artwork features many fine image to look at and to print for keepsake. The PDF version alone has many eye pleasing images to print and frame, or cut out to make personal possessions. Well done White Wolf.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Guide to the Anarchs
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Laws of the Night: Sabbat Guide
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/08/2013 03:31:38

A concise, well documented title. This book takes the best of Guide to the Sabbat and syntheses it into a very neat package. The photos are excellently recreated and the models within them offer much food for thought. Writers can develop fine ideas just by looking at the them. The more literary style of writing will be very handy for me as a writer. I feel that it would be for any other interested in narrating their own stories for this genre.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Laws of the Night: Sabbat Guide
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Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
Publisher: White Wolf
by Paul H. D. B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/17/2013 14:08:26

The daylight cousins to the Vampires couldn't be better exposed. The creativity of this book is high and the books that could be written using the information within it is even higher. The various types of ghouls and the examples are all truly compelling and have great potential for literary development. The abuse of the ghouls at the hands of the Sabbat, however, soils the part of the book it is written in. It misses out on a great opportunity to make more aggressive use of the ghouls as befits the Sabbat's aims. I cannot give this book a five star rating because, as with the Guide to the Sabbat, the ghouls are not cast in a fair light.

In spite of this, Ghouls: Fatal Addiction is yet another impressive narrator's tool that I am very proud to own and ask anyone who wishes to write for Vampire to purchase so that his or her works of literature are well founded.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Ghouls: Fatal Addiction
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