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Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom
Publisher: Goodman Games
by Dan D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/03/2016 11:21:05
I had posted this review in the discussion section, because I wasn't able to review it until I had purchased the PDF (I had purchased the physical copy at a local game store). The module includes a code to download a PDF, but the code was expired. Goodman Games sent a valid code to me, so I can now post my review here!

I read through this entire adventure tonight. It is fairly short. The book is 16 pages with 11 of those being the background + adventure, 1 page of monster stats (there are a few additional monster stats included in the adventure pages), 2 pages of "concluding the adventure," new sub-race, and a new background, then 1 page of maps.

There are a few things that I really like about this adventure. First, it is a mini dungeon crawl. However, not every room has an encounter. In fact, maybe only 1/3 of the rooms have encounters. However, all rooms have descriptions and elements of interest. I tire of crawls where every room has an encounter. Second, I like how the encounters include descriptions of how the creatures will approach the combat. The DM is obviously free to change this, but it is nice to have this included. Third, even though this is a mini adventure, it feels that the author(s) put quite a bit of thought into it.

I am most likely going to modify this a bit and include it as a side adventure in Out of the Abyss. I don't think it'll take much to adapt it.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Fifth Edition Fantasy #1: Glitterdoom
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Asatania (AS-1): Face Down in a Muddy Road (5E)
Publisher: Fantastic Reality
by Dan D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/27/2016 17:42:29

I received this module as part of the Asatania kickstarter. I haven't run it for my group yet, but read this module and the sequel (Smoke on the Horizon) the day they were released.

It was a good read. I like that the NPCs are flushed out and interesting. There is enough information on their background, appearance, and personaltiy there to see how the author intended them to be played.

This is an outdoor adventure, but your group will not be left wandering in the wilderness. There are events to guide them in the adventure. I personally like outdoor adventures. There is also a sense of urgency to it. And, the party will probably start to feel more and more concerned about the state of the surrounding settlements as they progress through it.

The scenes are described well and fully. There were a couple of things that took me a minute to figure out (like how the party might realize that a horse is missing...), but overall it is quite good.

This is obviously part of a bigger campaign, and, if you are going to run it, you'll want the follow on adventures. I am waiting on the setting and the 3rd adventure before starting this. I am looking forward to taking my group through it. It should be a fun adventure.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Asatania (AS-1): Face Down in a Muddy Road (5E)
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