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College of the Maestro - Bard College Option Pay What You Want
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College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
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College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Scott S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2018 22:16:45

Once again, the quality of both the content and layout of Matthew Mercer's publications on DM's Guild is top notch.

The College of the Maestro gives players who enjoy using the Bard class another option to add flavour and variety to their game.

It would be great if Matthew Mercer's character classes were allowed in AL games.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Jonas S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/20/2017 14:06:06

It's a great product that provides a different take on the bard that fits very well with the official releases and the Unearthed Arcana playtest material. I specially like how the mechanics are worded in a clear and concise manner, even for the most complex features.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Tony M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/29/2016 04:37:06

Good layout. Seems pretty balanced with core colleges.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Brian C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/29/2016 19:39:58

Solid subclass. Shame its free. Work this quality deserves real compensation.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Ted S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/11/2016 12:09:46

Haven't had a chance to playtest it, but the concept is fantastic. I started doing weekly videos highlighting content released on the DMs Guild and this was the first one!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/18/2016 09:39:49

Beautiful idea. I love the Battle Master style but flavored enough for the Bard. Adding the feat at the end was a nice touch, too.

I would not allow a player to take Hasten Tempo but that's only because I enjoy the fact that players cannot hold their action in 5th ed, which means I don't have to adjust the initative once its calculated. Every other conducting technique is really unique and flavorful. Sprint is my favorite, personally.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Joshua B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 06/05/2016 16:21:49

First, allow me to say that I love the concept of the class. It reminds me of the movie August Rush, when August blends the sounds of the city into his music, with the bard in this instance accomplishing that with the clash, clang, and whirring sound of combat; very nice effect. The product is also arranged and displayed in a very professional manner, keeping to a style that is very similar to official product material.

To begin with, conceptually I believe that class to be a wonderful idea. The underlying concept is well thought-out and something that fits within the idea of a bard, at least in my mind. All of the abilities individually are interesting and add new options to the class, a fact which is a plus in my book. New options are always better than a simple rehashing of old concepts or a mishmash of other classes abilities. My concern, however, comes from the combination of all of the abilities. First, we must consider that the other two colleges for the bard each acquire four new abilities with the selection of their college, one of which is a simple gaining of proficiency; either gaining new skills (lore), or gaining proficiency in armor and weaponry (valor). Each of the features gained from the college of lore or valor grants functions to the bard once, at the level they are gained. The maestro college grants the character four individual features as well, but two of these features are self-expanding as you level. In total the maestro bard gains ten additions to their class. The maestro bard gains two single additions with Frenetic Crescendo and Virtuoso of Captivation, five additions from Symphony of Conflict (counting each additional capability of Bardic Inspiration as an additional ability, keeping it in line with Cutting Words) and three tiered additions from Battle Muse. When looked at in comparison with the college of lore especially, which gives an ability (cutting words) very much like the conducting techniques, this number of additional abilities seems excessive. In addition, the only limiting factor the class would suffer from would be the limitation on uses of Bardic Inspiration that the character has (Charisma modifier uses between long rests, short rests once Font of Inspiration is gained at 5th level) is mitigated heavily by the addition of Battle Muse; which grants additional uses to the bard as if their Charisma score were *eight* points higher than other bards. This is especially egregious once Font of Inspiration is gained and all of those uses are regained on a short rest; giving the maestro twelve more uses of bardic inspiration per day (calculating based on two short rests in the day) than any other bard.

Looking at the abilities granted individually:

Battle Muse: As stated before, this seems like an excessive increase of bardic inspiration uses, something that is intrinsically limited based on the maximum progression placed on all ability scores (max 20). While an increase in Bardic Inspiration isn’t something I’m inherently against, the number here seems to be a bit much. Suggested Fix: Lower the increase in bardic inspiration to a simple two, gained at 3rd level, seems equitable. It is in line with the proficiencies gained by the other two colleges at 3rd level, and the lack of further increase keeps it from becoming excessive.

Frenetic Crescendo: I actually don’t have a problem with this ability, it seems eminently acceptable to me, and is limited from becoming absurd by the requirement for a long rest.

Virtuoso of Captivation: This ability is nice as well. It reminds me of the enthrall ability that bards used to have, and is a great teamwork skill if you have someone who needs to sneak around or someone is capable of charming/sleeping the enemy while you perform. I would suggest clarity on the non-combat application though. The ability says you must spend your action to maintain it in combat, but the wording implies that out of combat you can use it, stop conducting, and the effect continues for up to five minutes. If this was your intent then all well and good, but clarify please. If this was not your intent then it is even more so in need of clarification.

Symphony of Conflict: The meat and potatoes of the maestro bardic college. The limitation to having a free hand is nice, as it limits these in the same way as somatic spells; which is essentially what these are: spells that make use of the bardic inspiration die instead of spell slots.

Aria of Suspense (Ansia): Great ability. I would, however, recommend that it require concentration to keep it in line with other buffs of this type, you are granting them all benefits similar to an amalgam of the Alert and Dungeon Delver feats.

Crash (Marcato): At first look, this seems excessive when combining two different effects into one bardic inspiration use, but that addition of a Strength saving throw by the target makes it all work in my mind. This ability is good as it is as far as I’m concerned.

Dirge of Dread (Finale): I like it. It’s limited to the end of the allies next turn, which makes it last one turn in total, has a saving throw, and is limited by someone else’s actions. These factors make the terror (a very powerful ability) in line with other bardic and spell abilities. A very nice ability that is well thought-out.

Dissonance (Discordia): I actually think, in comparison to things like cutting words, this ability is underpowered. It should reduce their saving throw by a number equal to the bardic inspiration die roll (which is obviously the same thing as raising the save DC), which puts it in line with cutting words and the base bardic inspiration. Although if you’re limiting this effect because of the number of Conducting Techniques that the bard gets, then raising the DC by 2 also works.

Guiding Tone (Fermata): This is a nice ability. Just one small thought about it here. Other spells that push things usually push them only ten feet and require an action to cast (Bigby’s Hand, Thunder Wave, Dust Devil, Gust of Wind) or require concentration. Abilities that require a bonus action usually only push things five feet (Shield Mastery bonus action, Thunderous Smite). I’d reduce this to ten feet using a bonus action (making it better than the 5’ bonus action pushes because all it does is push), or require it to use an action and keep it at 15 feet. A small thing, I probably wouldn’t gripe too much even if it was left as is.

Hasten Temp (Accelerando): I like this ability. It is not immediately obvious how useful it is, and it’s not something I remember seeing somewhere else. I’d leave it alone and use it as is.

Hymn of Harmony (Armonia): This ability is nice as well. I would, however, alter it to read that it requires the character to heal from any source but Hit Die recovery from resting, as that keeps it from being combined with Song of Rest, which would be against overall design intent of the rest of the game; which generally frowns upon combining same-style effects.

Majestic Anthem (Maetoso): I like it. It’s similar to Aid, but using bardic inspiration. Because the hit points go away at the end of your next turn however, I might make this use a bonus action, otherwise why not just cast Aid.

Resonance (Risonanza): I like this ability. It’s limited by you using your action. It’s limited by affecting only one weapon, which keeps dual wielding and other sources of bonus attacks from exacerbating it’s effect. I would however, change the wording to something like: “Choose one Ally within 60’ of you, the next time that ally takes the attack action, all attacks made with that action deal additional ......” This keeps the ability from being abused by haste, action surge, or the like; while still allowing it to synergize with the multiple attacks granted by the Extra Attack feature. It also keeps it from being abused by abilities such as Green Flame Blade and the like, as those are the Cast a Spell action, and not the Attack action.

Sprint (Presto): This one’s an odd duck. Unlike the other Conducting Techniques, this ability grants an inherent feature to the Bardic Inspiration die itself. The impetus of using this ability does not in fact require effort on the bard at all, instead requiring the character with the inspiration die to engage its effect. It seems, to me, to be not quite in line with the style of the class. Why not make it require concentration to maintain, last up to an hour, keep the speed, and make it apply to any creature that stays within 30’ feet of you; kind of a marching song, bardic inspiration longstrider style ability. I have no real balance objection to keeping it as it is; it just feels out of place to me.

Final Thoughts: I like the class; I just think it gets way too many abilities in comparison to the other bardic options. Even if you only use one of the conducting techniques in a round, the options that the Maestro would have far outstrips any of the other bardic colleges. Some of the conducting techniques are singular class abilities for other classes (such as Dissonance/Cutting Words, Dirge of Dread and Hour of Reaping from the Long Death Monk), and while they are limited in some way from those other class abilities, the Maestro is acquiring a large number of abilities, which gives him more flexibility (which makes him more powerful).

There are two ways to fix this class in my mind. The first would be to remove Frenetic Crescendo, Battle Muse, and Virtuoso of Captivation, and keep the Symphony of Conflict as it is. This keeps the style of Conducting, with its many options, intact, and still gives the bard five new abilities to use (which is still one more than the other bards get at four each). The second way would be to keep two of the three abilities Battle Muse (altered as noted above), Frenetic Crescendo, and Virtuoso of Captivation, and have Symphony of Conflict give one Conducting Technique at 3rd, one at 6th, and one at 14th level. This would still give the Maestro one more class ability than the other bardic colleges (two of the three other features plus three conducting techniques), but would be more reasonable than ten additions to the class that they gain now. I hope this review isn’t taken as any form of maliciousness, but a simple and honest review of the class that has been presented. I think the class is a marvelous idea, but has simply been elevated a bit much over other bards, perhaps in a fit of excitement for the concept, which strikes us all when we’re making new and exciting things for the game we love.

Fanboy Moment: I love Critical Role and have been watching it religously since you fine folks started broadcasting it. I am, and will remain, a devoted Critter. Mr. Mercer, you do excellent work, and I look forward to more Critical Role and Force Grey: Giant Hunters this fall.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Aaron B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/27/2016 10:08:55

As always Mr Mercer, your product goes above and beyond. I truly hope Wizards of the Coast lets you make an entire book or more someday. The quality is near official level and the abilities are exceptional yet fair.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Luc C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/25/2016 22:26:14

I like the ideas behind it, but it somehow feels like its taking the fighters superiority dice and just combine them into the bard. still its a great archetype, not too great to outshine the others and not too weak to not take it. the ability to give bardic inspiration in one fell swoop is awesome too. overall this deserve the 4 stars, but i can't give the last one just because the it resembles too much of the warrior.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Rodolfo M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/21/2016 14:43:28

Another Excellent supplement from the author! Great flavor and at first glance, it looks balanced.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
College of the Maestro - Bard College Option
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Michael H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/20/2016 17:24:55

There are a couple of minor typos but overall a fantastic product. I struggle to come up with a way to break the character and the abilities are flavorful and interesting to use. The formatting and art get a 5/5 for a small PDF like this. The bonus feat is absolute gravy on a fantastic product.

The level 14 ability isn't something to get terribly excited for, but I think it has a power level justified for the other abilities the class offers.

Definitely a 5 out of 5 supplement.

The closest issue I could think of was the level 3 ability, Battle Muse, scaling with character level instead of class level. But unless you go 5 levels into Bard, you only gain these bonus Bardic Inspirations per long rest and you cannot hand them out easily until level 6. 6 Levels is not that much of a dip and - even if done - seems more of a way to enhance the flavor of a character instead of powering them up. Bard 6/Sorc 14 or even Bard 6/Paladin 14 could be an interesting support build!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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