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Saga of the Elder City 1: Random City State Events

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Saga of the Elder City 1:  Random City State Events
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Saga of the Elder City 1: Random City State Events
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by A customer [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/11/2016 21:42:25

This is a half-decent table of random events that can happen in a city. However, the events are very generic and it is likely that the reader will not find anything unique in this list that they haven't seen before.

This resource could be improved by adding more unique encounter ideas, or provide more detail on how events could be integrated with individual PC personality traits/backgrounds.

Much better resources can be found for free with online random event generators and thus this product is not worth the current $0.99 price tag. Even at that price much better random city events can be found in other DM guild products.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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