Sofar, I've not been impressed with this book. It had potential but the shortcomings of it seem to outweigh the positives. There are a few gems in here, but you've gotta sift a whole mess of coal to get at them.
It looks like the authors were trying to create their own gaming universe, but bad art, bad editing and bad chacacters seem to be the order of the day. It's like the first wave of Image comic characters. All flash. No substance.
I'm not mad that I purchased it, just disappointed at what it could have been.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: 1) SOME of the art for this book is not crap. It could very well show up in a comic.
2) I Like the fact that every one of the characters have plot hooks and suggested possible adventures.
3) I like that all of the characters presented aren't above the default starting power level for M&M.
4) The book has both a Table of Contents and an Index. I love this, BUT (see dislike #1)<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: 1. While the book contained a Table of Contents and an Index, it lacks PAGE NUMBERING. This is a major major problem.
- The layout could definitely use some work. The book is done in simple two-column format with no embellishments.
- The art for some of the characters is bad. Some of it VERY bad. Some attempts at photo-realistic art falls flat in the B&W format.
- The characters are just odd. It seems like a good deal of thought went into some of them but with no frame of reference (ie. Game World), they seem to be islands unto themselves. And some of them are just lame.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>