This product provides some simple but effective means to determine CRs and gauge rewards, making nice additions to the SRD. However, this publication is more of an essay than a book, IMO. The Cover, ToC, and OGL license take up 1/2 of the publication. You only get 3 pages of content. While, it is nice to not have pages and pages to read through in a reference; that is also partly why you buy a book-- for the flavor text. Then, just add on a reference sheet that GMs and players could print out and use in their games. In this manner, I feel that more could have been done to enhance the meaning, context and usage of the rules outlined in this publication. Overall, I would think this would make a nice add-on for bundling with another product or as a promotional. [Update Note: I've adjusted my Quality rating up to Acceptable and Overall rating to better reflect what I do like about the content, namely the suggested rules mechanics. I'll admit that I do use the rule mechanics in this publication for my games, so I am finding the content useful. However, I just can't shake off my disappointment in the value and presentation of the content. I also notice that the publisher has lowered the price by nearly half since I purchased it earlier this year, so IMO the value is better now than when I purchased it. (No, I don't want any money refunded, etc. I'm just being honest here.) Finally, I appreciate the publisher's reflections and feedback on my initial comments; I think that it was appropriate for me to expand on my initial review. Thanks.]
<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: This product provides some simple but effective means to determine CRs and gauge rewards, making nice additions to the SRD.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The Cover, ToC, and OGL license take up 1/2 of the publication. You only get 3 pages of content.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>