I remember having the print version, which I liked but never had the time to utilize. I appreciated the different 'take' on things, although I didn't care for the 'black class' concept nor the cheesy quotes attributed to real-life individuals who were supposedly vampires in discuise. As for the art, some of it was amateurish but much of it was okay. Looking at the PDF updated version, I can say it's improved. The silly quotes (by the likes of Shakespeare, etc.) are gone, as is the lesser artwork. What you have is, more professional artwork and other elements that enhance the feel of the book as you read it, a readjustment of the vampire types into a more MM-format. Overall it's a good product and I'm glad they went back and polished this gem. If there's something I wish they redid, it would be the stat changes according to vampire type/age chart--granted, they included the CR/ECL ratings as well (Thanks!), I still wish it had been included in bits with the pertinent entries towards the beginning of the book. But having it all on one page in the back is just as beneficial.
You may not be able to use all that you find in LotN:V, but you'll have more than enough to work into your game.