These e-Adventure tiles are very handsome, and they print out just as nicely as they look on the screen. This cannot be said of all similar products you will see on the net. As with some others who end up here at, I'm driven by a bargain. Don't mistake some of the other products that might be cheaper, unit for unit, than these tiles from Skeleton Key Games.
In terms of utility, these can be useful either by themselves, just for staging for tabletop gaming when the action goes underground, or can be combined with other tile sets from Skeleton Key to create a miniature-scale dungeon.
These products require some work on the part of the buyer. This should be noted. At the least, you will need a good quality printer and a steady hand with the scissors. In order to really bring out a fully-laid-out dungeon, you'll need a bit of "craft time". This, however can create much the same effect as the expensive and vaunted Dwarven Forge dungeons with nothing more than some cardstock and some backing material such as cardboard or poster board. <br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Skeleton Key products are well presented, easy to access, and print well. The artwork is strong, and the modular nature of these products makes them re-usable for years, over many sorts of gaming situations.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Only the possibly addictive nature of accessories like this can be counted against this product<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>