Everything needed to play is in this product.
The system is very straight forward: Roll a single D6 and add the appropriate Ability (Strong, Clever, Quick, Power) and an appropriate Skill (from a good size, but not overlong list) and any Gifts (a robust selection of powers) against a Difficulty set by the Gamekeeper or an opposed roll. That's the system in a nutshell.
There also Flaws, Embellishments (think perks) and Covers (a template which is, essentially, a profession you spend half of your skill points on).
I found character creation took less than twenty minutes for a superhero game. And play was smooth and quick.
One very intriguing facet is what OneDice calls Skins, in this case three, which fill in the details of a setting and have rules that alter the rules to one degree or another.
I really can't recommend OneDice Supers enough.