I greatly enjoyed the earlier Heroic Moments for 4C FASERIP and found them useful in my own ICONS games. I'm thrilled that Purple Duck Games will be publishing Heroic Moments for the ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying Game now.
Everything you need for a quick pickup game of ICONS with minimal GM prep is included - setup, locations and villains. Very impressive artwork for Dr. Diamond by Brian Brinlee too.
I've featured this on my ICONS blog as well where I talk about all things ICONS: http://justaddheroes.blogspot.com/2012/08/new-icons-publisher-purple-duck-games.html
Looking forward to seeing more!
Another nice collection of high quality seamless tiles for use in RPG mapping projects at a great price. I plan on importing these into Campaign Cartographer 3 as fill styles. I highly recommend these to folks like me who like to do their own cartography for their RPG games.
Extremely high quality seamless PNG tiles for use in RPG mapping projects. You may have to import them into a graphics program (like Photoshop or GIMP) to scale them down a bit depending on what project you are using them for, but it is nice to have these at very high resolution to work with. I intend to import these into Campaign Cartographer 3 as fill styles. I highly recommend these beautiful, artistic tiles.
Extremely high quality seamless PNG tiles for use in RPG mapping projects. You may have to import them into a graphics program (like Photoshop or GIMP) to scale them down a bit depending on what project you are using them for, but it is nice to have these at very high resolution to work with. I intend to import these into Campaign Cartographer 3 as fill styles. I highly recommend these beautiful, artistic tiles.
Extremely high quality seamless PNG tiles for use in RPG mapping projects. You may have to import them into a graphics program (like Photoshop or GIMP) to scale them down a bit depending on what project you are using them for, but it is nice to have these at very high resolution to work with. I intend to import these into Campaign Cartographer 3 as fill styles. I highly recommend these beautiful, artistic tiles.
A nice collection of high quality seamless tiles for use in RPG mapping projects at a great price. I plan on importing these into Campaign Cartographer 3 as fill styles. Highly recommended.
A nice collection of high quality seamless tiles for use in RPG mapping projects at a great price. I plan on importing these into Campaign Cartographer 3 as fill styles. Highly recommended.
A nice collection of high quality seamless tiles for use in RPG mapping projects at a great price. I plan on importing these into Campaign Cartographer 3 as fill styles. Highly recommended.
The tiles look absolutely amazing - no complaint there and I'm sure these would be infinitely useful in a variety of projects. Unfortunately, the hosting service used to host these ZIP files (FreakShare) for download makes you wait ten minutes plus in a countdown to even get to a download link, you then have to enter two words via Captcha as a verification (which you may have to do a couple of times because the words are often illegible), wait a couple minutes more before the download starts, and then FreakShare slows the download speed down to a crawl deliberately in hopes that you will get frustrated and pay them a ridiculously high fee for membership to download the files faster. It took me 50 minutes just to get the first file on the first page, so there is no way to download all of these unless you have days of free time to spare doing this. Yeah, I know, what did you pay for it and all, but still this hosting service is not ideal for files of this size and in this quantity. FreakShare is godawful. Hopefully another alternative can be found for hosting.
But the tiles are high quality and look very nice, what I've seen anyway.
UPDATE: By the fourth file, FreakShare stopped allowing me access to the files altogether saying "no download server available" (after wasting my time waiting through a ten minute countdown to get to a download link). The current delivery system make this just not worth the time and effort with FreakShare as the download host.
Creator Reply: |
Thank you for taking the time to write a review and liking our textures.
First of all i would like to say that i am on the lookout for a couple of other hosts to put the free files on but sadly most have a 2,10,25, 50MB or some other limit on it, others have a total size limit or ask the downloader to write a review about something first / try to sell you something long term.
Second, the files are huge and at a current 4.78GB of what i have uploaded its not even 5% of the current library, looking at the future i will need to find a host willing to put up 200+ GB worth of graphic files and it is simply not possible to upload that amount to DrivethruRPG.com in a zip file or my own website / FTP or i would end up paying for everyone who downloads the library for free, if this news then gets up to some texture forums, it would get ugly....fast.
The Subscription version for DrivethruRPG users and affiliates might include limited FTP usage in the future and i will get more file-hosts when uploading permits it but you can always either get the DVD or Pay for the downloads either at the host or at our own FTP, the amount of textures you get at a high quality for its price is unrivaled.
I know that it's not a totally free solution but current imposed internet limits just don't permit it with these high quality files. |
This beautiful, seamless tile is exactly as advertised. You get an EPS file (Photoshop) which I was able to open in Photoshop Elements and easily export as a PNG file for use with my Campaign Cartographer 3/Dungeon Designer 3 software by setting up a bitmap fill style. I have been very happy with the results I am getting in my maps.
My only suggestions would be to a) include a PNG copy of the tile as well for people who may not have access to Photoshop (I couldn't get the file to open in the free GIMP or Fireworks) and b) include a formal license (the product description implies you can use it for both personal and commercial use).
This is a very useful piece of artwork at a very reasonable price.
I'd been looking for gaming accessories for my ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying games when I came across this older product from LPJ Design, so for $1.99, I decided to check it out.
The Alpha Men's Whitebird is essentially the X-Men's Blackbird with the serial numbers filed off, but you can certainly re-purpose it for your own use.
You get three one-sheet deck plans (flight deck, research deck, engine & storage deck), and tiles scaled at 1" = 5 feet for each of those decks that you can use with minis, paper minis, or counters. You also get a one-sheet "blank" deck plan outline that you can design the interior space yourself as well as the "blank" scaled tiles to build that deck. Finally, there's a generic data sheet to fill in the pertinent game details of your ship.
I'm really impressed - this is a very utilitarian product and I like the practical simplicity of the black & white design (although the 1" grid is light blue). Although I mentioned ICONS above, you can certainly use this with other Supers RPGs. In fact, the design reminds me of the classic Villains & Vigilantes accessories.
I'll definitely be picking up the two other sets in the Superpowered Vehicles series.
Like everything I've ever purchased from Skeleton Key Games, this is a really great set of tiles - beautifully drawn and infinitely useful. The Cerebral Computer is essentially the Cerebro device that Professor Charles Xavier from the X-Men uses, although it can easily be re-purposed for other uses. I bought it awhile ago but only recently printed it out for use with my ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying Game (from Adamant Entertainment) sessions. e-Super Tiles was a great idea that never really took off (this is the only entry in that product line). Perhaps with the recent resurgence (and if I dare say renaissance) in Supers gaming over the last year (ICONS, Mutants and Masterminds 3e, Villains & Vigilantes 3.0, and a host of smaller offerings), Ed Bourelle will consider revisiting this product line...
If you like supers roleplaying or the X-Men, this is definitely worth the purchase.
Over the last decade, Charles Rice has shared bits and pieces of his amazing USHER superhero setting with us through various game systems (like d20 Modern) and publishers (RPGObjects and his own Vigilance Press), so I was thrilled to hear that he was doing this definitive work, this time for the ICONS system. The one thing that really impresses me is how the Vigilance Universe feels every bit as real as the Marvel and DC Universes - it makes you wish you could walk into a comic book shop and ask for the latest issue of Minuteman or Old Glory, or finally pick up a collector's copy of Amazing Stories of WWII #1 on eBay after years of searching. It's a great supers setting and the artwork by James Dawsey, Jon Gibbons, and Dan Houser really makes it come alive. This is a stellar piece of work and a great addition to the ICONS game system.
Clear recording and sound effects - perfect background noise for creating a spooky atmosphere. After building a graveyard on the front lawn, we played this on a loop over the speakers on the porch this past Halloween for the neighborhood trick-or-treaters and it was well received. I hope to use it in an RPG session some time as well.
Field Guide to Superheroes is a series of four books detailing 40 superhero character archetypes for the Icons system by Adamant Entertainment. The first ten archetypes alphabetically are included in this first volume (A through D). These archetypes are meant to represent the myriad of heroes seen in comics over the years.
The author Jason Tondro has a Ph.D in Literature specializing in Comics, and his knowledge of the genre really shows in this product. But don't let that fool you - this isn't some dry academic treatise - the writing is both informative and entertaining.
Both players and GMs will get a lot out of use from this book whether you use random Icons character generation or point buy. I particularly liked that the author acknowledges out of the gate that there is some overlap between archetypes in the characters seen in the comics. And he doesn't just pay lip service to this idea - the detailed archetypes are all given common related archetypes in the text and example characters.
I especially liked the Qualities and Challenges section found in each archetype. Coming up with these Aspects for Tagging and Compelling use can be the most difficult part of character creation, in particular for people not familiar with the concept, and there are lots of great ideas related to the archetype for fleshing out this section of your character .
There are also two new Powers in here: Adaption (x2) which gives temporarily gives you a Power related to the situation you are in (chosen by the GM or spend a Determination Point to override and pick it yourself) and Equipment, which basically gives you access to an array of low-powered tools (think Batman's Utility Belt).
Finally, after the archetype write-ups, there is a section that introduces the author's personal "default" campaign setting, Worlds of Wonder. This is like a bonus however and doesn't permeate the archetype write-ups which are setting neutral.
The beautiful layout and Dan Houser's artwork puts this product over the top. Vigilance Press has taken the Icons license from Adamant Entertainment and really run with it.
This is a well-crafted enhancement to the Icons core rules. I can honestly say this is the best Icons third party support product I have seen to date and look forward to the rest of the volumes in the series when they come out.