If your looking for a cheezie and cliché zombie style game to play this has the rules and setting for you. The layout is wonderful and easy to flow as is the writing of the entries. In reading it seems that the writers are a little miffed about their place in their high school but other then that the game seems to work together blending the cliché with d20 game play.
The rules read a bit to technical but it is understandable since the product was free and they wanted to jam as much information in as they possibly could, so be prepared to read the rules a few times to understand them and have them become clear after a bit of playing. Now as of the anywhere part of this product its true. It makes for a wonderful game to have in the car going to conventions or even just a family trip that you want to keep the family entertained. Once played through everyone catches on and any difficult rules found during reading are easily understood once put into play. At the price of free this is a must have for any gamer who will be traveling sometime. It is even worth the paper you print it out on. Download print and play/enjoy.
This is a wonderful collection of new and different monsters of all flavor. Some artwork is better than others as are some of the monsters. But overall each entry is well written and fleshed out as well as not game breaking if you put them in your setting.
Definitely a good buy if you want to send monsters your players have no idea what they are getting into. And fills some slightly empty niches to boot.
Theses are great buildings and accessories to round out your town or village with. Moderately difficult modeling due to smaller pieces and slight complexity to the folding of a few of the items, but overall easy to follow. Again Fat Dragon Games put out a visually stunning product that no fantasy or historical village can do without.
A pretty handy free product that goes a long way in showing the capabilities of the adventure hook line. The twelve hooks are varied enough where it doesn’t seem like the same rehashed idea over and over and lets a GM/DM/ST get out of any ruts they may happen to be in.
Quality is fairly low but being a free product it is decent. The options for colored or non is a nice addition and giving you a interior layout or an open room allows you to make different saloons for different towns using the same building.
Moderately easy construction, with easy to follow instructions.
An interesting game you can add to just about any setting and add a little extra flavor. The rules are easy to follow and the layout of the product is simple to maneuver.
A great game to play when waiting on the entire group to show up to play your main game or even a nice break and way to earn money when your characters are having downtime.
A must have for any fantasy miniature playing group. The buildings are varied and the textures are gorgeous to look at while you play. The new stacking piece that the company introduces puts an end to your two story building falling apart and allows you to stack extra floors upon it giving a great flexibility to the buildings you create with the product.
The product is of a slightly higher difficulty for putting together due to the smaller pieces used to allow the buildings to stack but the learning curve is pretty easy to follow.
This two-tone double story is a nice breakup for the skyline and a moderate level model with an inset door that adds just a slightly higher level of modeling to get it to look correctly. Another good model to start your city with and see the quality products that the company puts out.
The quality of the textures on this one are lacking compared to the other models available by the company. The dumpster is a nice extra addition to use and what city doesn’t have a pizza parlor? A moderately easy model to create and a nice beginner piece for you to start with.
The detail isn’t all that great but still pretty good and does its job of wetting your appetite for more of the Twilight Street sets. Definitely an interesting addition to any city set, or a good way to begin your collection.
Easy to read layout with a decent amount of information to use, and coming with the audio file handout makes it a pretty interesting handout for the players. The one picture is pretty decent quality as well.
It lacks a little in development and leaves much to the storyteller and players to figure out. But overall it is a nice shift from combat oriented adventures to through at your group.
Creator Reply: |
Thanks for the review! The idea behind the Collection of Horrors is that they are "set pieces" to work an existing story around, rather than an entirely pre-packaged story, so it's intentional that there's some that's left for individual groups to tailor. The Introduction to the Collection of Horrors (available for free on this site) goes into this in more detail. Thanks again! |
EZ-Heroes are an amazing product. I believe it is more versatile then any other Fat Dragon product put out to date. The windows and doors are on separate sheets so you can choose where and how or even if they go on the walls. The bricks walls look pretty good on any level of inspection. Allowing almost infinite possibilities.
And with the non-grided roofs and streets that are available as a free add-on, it opens up this terrain to any modern city game you could want not just clix games. And with a few modifications you can convert it into future style games and apocalyptic for even more gaming options.
The idea of pasting these onto boxes allows for much stronger buildings but is a bit different then the normal terrain you buy from Fat Dragon. So if you are expecting this to be just like the other terrain it will be different. But with a little ingenuity you can make these into tab and paste style terrain like the rest if you wish.
All in all if you plan on playing a modern game with miniatures and want a little spice with your gaming, you cannot go wrong with this wonderful addition to your gaming folder.
Gives a closer look at some of the beautiful detail that is put into the products. Also gives a few usable samples of the Dugeon Tiles which happen to be enough to wet your appetite for more of the products so you can finish a fairly inexpensive 3-D dungeon without painting or breaking your wallet.
Gives a closer look at some of the beautiful detail that is put into the products. Also gives a few usable samples of the Dugeon Tiles which happen to be enough to wet your appetite for more of the products so you can finish a fairly inexpensive 3-D dungeon without painting or breaking your wallet.