12 pages of black and white art all of the single model. The drawings are good, but since they are all of the same model in the same outfit (slinky and/or revealing) the total is not really useful as "stock art"--unless you were putting together a BDSM magazine anyway.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Great drawings, good model, great detail.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not enough variety of subject and models.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>
Nice NPC to have around. Sylquis is captured at multiple challenge ratings. I didn't notice any "racy" content. This small PDF doesn't have any content that approaches the Book of Vile Darkness for example. The one stock drawing shows the female elven from from behind. So you might call it "cheeky".<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Good NPC. Nice to see her development at different stages.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I expected more history and more detail around her henchmen and kit. Not much here even for the modest price...<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>
Hey this is a fun little PDF. It has one of the best "Hitman" type classes I've found. RPGO is always grinding out great feats for the d20 Modern player. While this supplement is only 7 pages of content, it still delivers a good niche for the crime bent player or NPC. In a word I'd call it "handy".<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Fun new feats and classes.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I gotta have more cow bells... More is always better. Still a great value for the price though.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
This is a great alternative for simple but not watered down chase scenes. I've only played around with it a little, but I cal already tell it's vastly superior to the existing d20 Modern core rules. It takes a bit of a mind flip to simply ignore looking at maps and plotting traffic, but once you lift your self out of it, these rules are really much more fun.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: It's a great system for vehicle based chases.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I don't have any complaints.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
TGM is certainly one of the best in the d20 PDF business. This product continues their line of high quality. What was really different in this product from others produced by TGM is heavier use of flavor over mechanics. Often TGM is mechanics heavy and completely devoid of setting flavor or even NPC traits beyond the stat block. Crime and Punishment is a much welcomed shift with great descriptions of 7 organizations easy to use in most modern to future campaigns. Each has NPC's with real backgrounds. Sprinkled throughout the 25 pages are little crunchy bits of rules like new feats and skills.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Good Flavor<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I loved the rules, this isn't a complaint about the product but request that TGM publish all of their rules summed up in another product for easier reference. It's hard to remember where a feat came from sometimes and looking it up in one of a dozen modules can be a pain.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
12 to Midnight delivers another quality PDF product. At this price, this is a great introduction to what this publishing company can offer. This is a small product, but even so it contains nice art, good layout and needed content. The download comes with 2 versions; a print friendly version and a screen friendly version. The PDF is bookmarked.
In my opinion, the Will save is the most overlooked condition in d20 Modern. Fear Effects brings back some of the reality to a modern session with out being heavy handed. The system described is simple, easy to remember and easy to modify for your campaign. Fear factors are categorized in to levels with the consequences matched to the degree of horror encountered. Everything from a cat jumping out from the darkness to horror of the unknowable is covered.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Great looking product
Handy table
Easy to use system
Fills a need in d20 Modern<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: If I could ask for anything, I like a bit more material in my PDF's. 12 to Midnight makes excellent stuff and is worth the slightly higher than average page cost. However, my personal preference is to get larger products, even if they cost more, than small/cheap products.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
Dispatch is the best PDF deal around. Every week you get 4+ pages of handy items for 3 months. In addition you receive a coupon every week for other RPGO products. If you make only one or two purchases with the coupons, its like getting Dispatch free.
In any given month, there are 1 or 2 issues that are intended to be used with specific RPGO products. Generally, even these issues can be used with in "generic" campaigns with a little tweaking. But if you like these supplements and own them, then having the Dispatch's customized game material is like getting a bonus enhancement for your other RPGO products.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Great price. Great Discounts. Great game content.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
Basic Stats:
-92 freakin pages of content (less 1 page of license)
-Good layout with maps
-Screen and Print PDF versions
-Story text
RPGO never lacks for quantity of content. Backdrops sticks to this standard and delivers quality. Included with this product are four well detailed locations (towns) complete with maps, historical time lines (going back hundreds of years), NPC's, adventure hooks and details about NPC motivations. Each location could keep a typical adventure group going for at least 12 sessions. The story lines are interesting and provoked many game ideas for me.
Modern Backdrops delivers every ounce of what I expect from a PDF product. With the extra PDF options (printer friend versions and print upgrades), they exceed the bounds of quality and value.
Simple and useful. Thaumatech contains about 200+ items. Great resource for high-FX or very low-FX. I'd call it a "must have" resource for a long campaign.
Good layout with both screen and print versions available. Well organized and game-balanced.
No much art, but great content.
Basic Stats:
-18 Pages (16 without Cover and License)
-simple layout / no art / no story text
Overall, this product doesn't deliver much. Most of the content is in the form of NPC stat blocks with brief character sketches.
The rules suggested for gaining NPC contacts as your PC's advance levels are simplistic. Give your PC's one contact for every 3 levels and you'd be close. Little was offered concerning the abilities of Contacts or how to run them.
I think low production cost PDF's are great buy. Good mechanics and material are enjoyable without a lot of art. But the content has to be really original and highly useful. Unfortunately, this product is neither.
Basic Stats:
-9 Pages (7 of content)
-Simple formatting / no art / no story text
Ronin Arts takes the Vampire straight out of the Monster Manual and converts the powers and qualities into groups that can be selected from based on a level progression. However, the result is still an overpowered character class.
If your campaign is extremely high danger where characters with 25+ in one or more abilities is common, then this might fit in with your game. However, the Monsterous Vampire far outstrips any other Advanced Class in the Urban Arcana or d20 Modern core rules.
Stick to the vampires out of the Monster Manual for villians... come up with your own vampire's as player rules.
Sometimes a game setting is just fun. It's like popcorn at a movie where you don't care about the plot because the main man is cool and the heroine is hell on wheels and cute in heals.
This is Blood and Brains. 66 pages of everything known about zombies told in playable comic style. This is quality content that is put together well with pleasing art and numerous bookmarks. There are new occupations, classes, weapons and (of course) zombies... lots of zombies. The book also includes a long zombie tale to get the creative juices working on the next zombie campaign.
If you don't have a library of zombie material already, this is a great one stop shop. If you do own a large collection of d20 Modern zombie guides, then you already know everything you need to hunt zombies. Even so, this guide is a nice all one package of zombie info and done with high quality layout, writing and art.
This PDF has everything I look for in a good product. All PDF products should attempt to hit this mark for quality.
The Game Mechanics always deliver great quality work. Good art, good formatting, professional product with insightful character rules. Now if only you could create an overall "players compendium" of Volume I and II and the player sections of the Modern SRD...
This is a great 1st buy to the new d20 Modern player and great intro to what The Game Mechanics consistently produce.
In this volume you get good suggesions for multi-classing with basic classes, new gear, new feats and a few new advanced classes (including a sniper class called Dead Shot).
Not bad for a buck... however this whole series is plagued with typo's and just plain crappy proof-reading.
Idea is solid, class looks interesting. Presentation needs work.
98 pages with bookmarks. This is a complete US military resource. If you're struggling with making your armed forces seem "forceful" this will add some bang.
The book is mostly new classes, feats and skills. Each class gains a number of new tricks and can pick from a variety of Special Ops "talents". However, a full third of the material is new vehicles, weapons and gear. Now the army really does have all the cool toys.
RPGObjects (and Charles Rice) deliver quality and quantity in rare combination.