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Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
Publisher: Scribeworx
by Mike J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/01/2016 15:02:08

As a Comic Shop owner and all around geek, I have to say that this games has impressed me and my staff with it's open mechanics. The customers that participate or walk in and see a game running are intrigued and captivated by the familiarity to other RPGs but instantly recognize that this is very different from your everyday RPG. The added dexterity factor with the unique coin dice is an added bonus as most of these type games rely on on person controlling the dice. We have even started regular game nights just for the Glyphs players because it is such an amazing system. I highly recommend this game to any level of gamer.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Glyphs RPG Blueprint - Digital Edition
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Creator Reply:
Thanks for the review Mike! This is excellent feedback from someone like you in a similar industry. The people actually playing or overseeing it are having a blast so far. The Game\'s Fun factor is key and it shall continue to thrive in wonderful places like yours. Godspeed to you, your staff and your shop. Cheers!
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