A different approach to firearms than any I have yet seen for OGL. It doesn't follow the common practice of reskinning a bow or crossbow.
The high damage potential of these weapons through "exploding dice" is balanced by its low accuracy and more realistic loading time. And its free!
An excellent option for 4e. Cannon fodder minions are rarely worth the purchase of a plastic or metal miniature.
This was something I was already interested in creating for my steampunk campaign so this saved me valuable time. I changed the damage to necrotic, poison, radiant, and psychic keywords since I didn't like the "elemental" aspect, but I appreciated everything else. As a class option, it is more about high fantasy flavor rather than perfectly balanced game mechanics.
Excellent product that give pages worth of generalized advice for developing the themes and direction of your own steampunk campaign. Lots of concrete examples of steampunk weapons, prosthetics, devices, monsters, and vehicles. This is by far a superior document to the previous published "Mechamancy 1" and "Mechamancy 2".
An good document for anyone who wants to incorporate some steampunk spells and steam punk device crafting into their campaign. It also offers some ideas for using different historical periods for your fantasy campaign and provides some exotic character equipment. The artwork is fair through out.
I didn't like the contruct monsters presented much and the artwork was truely atrocious. The rules for crafting mechanical familiars, mechanical implants, and the exotic material section were the high points of this document.
Worth checking out, but I would never buy it. Its a list of modern armor for d20 games with a Damage Resistance and a smaller Defense Bonus. In someways this is a more accurate portrail of the principles behind bullet proof armor.
I genuinely appreciated this product and used it to create a number of new races (plant, construct, soulless, etc.) for PC and NPC creation. Has a number of new racial traits as well as a comprehensive list of all traits given in the MM. Other than the cover the artwork is mediocre.
Very interesting. This document has a strong grasp of the rocketeer asthetic of the 1950's and 1960's. By itself it's insufficent for a galactic exploration campaign, but good for expanding your adventures into earth's orbit. Other than the cover pic this document is extremely plain.
Very good product with tons of material. This is an excellent campaign setting of equal quality to anything yet produced by Wizards. I not in love with the new races. Several pieces of artwork are available as Shaman Stockclips. I would give it a 4.5 if that was possible.
A useful, but not essential suppliment to the Dragonstar Campaign. 60% of the book is new PrC classes unique to Dragonstar. The new spells help expand the role of the spellcaster in this Sci-Fi setting. Spellware is interesting but I was disappointed in it since I specifically bought this book to obtain it.
A useful book for those who already own the DragonMech main book. It contains excellent descriptions of the various mech building races and even more mech and mech weapons.
Waste of time. The difference between species of bear is minimal when expressed through d20 stats.
This is basically variation of the 3.5 D&D system. Appeals to those that wish to incorporate steampunk technology into a fantasy campaign. This is a high fantasy and whimsical setting not for gamers that enjoy gritty realism. You can use D&D MM with this book with minor modification.
This is a good concept for a campaign and this document lays out the storyline in great detail. Great for steampunk or noir campaigns.