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Rise of the Pumpkin King (Adventure)
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by Mark L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/06/2018 22:17:30

I had the pleasure of running this adventure as a seasonal one-shot for a party of three players. Great module to lead us into the fall season. It was fun to describe the animated pumpkins and their attacks, and the investigation portions helped the players develop their charater's skills for other adventures. It's a good idea for a GM to read the entire adventure before running it in order to get a feel for how all the characters are connected. I managed to get through it with a bit of fumbling since I hadn't taken the time to read everything, but it wasn't difficult to put the peices toghether while the players were planning their next moves. I thoroughly enjoyed watching the reactions of the players during the transformation of the boss at the end. Just when they thought they had everything in hand they had to regroup and figure out how to deal with a bigger gad guy. Terrific fun. I recommend this adventure for anyone looking for something to tie the game to a Fall or Halloween theme.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Rise of the Pumpkin King (Adventure)
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A0 The Rising Knight -- Adventures for 5th Edition Rules
Publisher: Troll Lord Games
by Mark L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/29/2017 16:13:07

I'm happy to see some content being created for 5E outside of the official sources made available by the original publisher.

This adventure is both complete and engaging, allowing the PCs to become familiar with the town in which the adventure is centered and the surrounding areas that will lead them to further adventures in later modules. As mentioned in one of the discussions, Hommlet comes to mind while reading over the characters and locations. I’m grateful that the level of detail isn’t nearly as granular as that module, though. There’s enough material to allow the PCs the freedom to explore nearly at will without need for the GM to steer them in a particular direction.

My one complaint would be the desire for better proofreading and editing. Consistent misuse of homophones indicates the writer and/or editor ensured the words remained the same throughout the test, but they are still incorrect. I’d welcome the opportunity to work up a list of changes or corrections whenever I read through this one again, or any of the subsequent adventures If I had a contact willing to accept them.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
A0 The Rising Knight -- Adventures for 5th Edition Rules
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Creator Reply:
Hello Mark! Yes, we would welcome any proofreading corrections you may have. You can send it to productsupport (@) trolllord. com. Thanks!
OGL Steampunk
Publisher: Mongoose
by Mark L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/09/2016 15:28:34

I took advantage of a price reduction on this title since I'm working on adding some steampunk technology to a game in a fantasy setting.

The information provided is extensive, filling up a 300+ page book with a variety of characters, options, mechs and such to keep any fan of the theme happy while creating and designing various PCs and equipment for a campaign. The contents are well organized and easy to understand.

The only thing that disappointed me was an issue with the geration of the pdf that appears to have prevented many of the graphics from being included on the pages. Large sections of some pages are blank, outlined by text in a way that the reader can tell some type of graphic is intended to be placed there. The missing graphics don't detract from the information provided, but I'd be interested to see the images that are missing, if only to support the descriptions outlining those areas.

The ideas presented in the book will be handy in adding steampunk elements to any existing setting in addition to setting up and running a game solely based on the contents.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
OGL Steampunk
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Steam & Steel: A Guide to Fantasy Steamworks
Publisher: EN Publishing
by Mark L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/09/2016 06:51:58

I've been working to introduce steam power into a game setting for a while, and the flavor text in the introduction of this guide was worth the purchase price. The impact of the technology is considered and discussed, giving the GM quite a few ideas to consider in making the choice to add this new technology to a fantasy setting.

Even if the base system isn't d20 based, this guide is worth considering if you're thinking of introducing the technology in your world. Conversion to anther system isn't terribly difficult, and the ideas that can be spawned, not to mention the surprises that can be dropped into a game, make reading the guide worthwhile.

Glad I purchased the material.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Steam & Steel: A Guide to Fantasy Steamworks
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