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The Dungeon Volume 2 $15.00
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The Dungeon Volume 2
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The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Russ M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/04/2006 00:00:00

Excellent product, I recommend it to anyone needing sets for their mini's and games. You can see examples of my work at album Goradok in the miniatures folder of course ;)<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Easy to put together and VERY detailed.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Shawn P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/23/2006 00:00:00

Could not go wrong on the price (purchased the New Year's Gift Pack 1,2 and Orbital Starter for $10). Value of the product is outstanding!

Doors are fantastic to use once assembled. Lots of arches, curved walled, and a variety of corner and wall pieces.

Bit of a learning curve, but the results kept me coming back for more. I actualy wept after seeing how beautiful the results can be:<br><br> <b>LIKED</b>: Variety of designs that work well together.

Pretty AND practical: walls are detailed, yet leave plenty of room for minis.

Texture detail very high.

Paper Gears!<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Could use some extra furnishings and floor tiles.

Took a while to build correctly...get ready to throw away the first 10 pieces you build unless you are a Paper Guru.

Paper Gears! <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Roman B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/13/2005 00:00:00

Have to see this set and its companion are the best looking dungeon sections I have ever seen! I have been lusting after thepre-painted pieces you can buy but this set looks better than even those!<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Ease of assembly - even the curved walls easy to put together. Read the instructions and you cannot go wrong.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: All good!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Jonathan J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/12/2005 00:00:00

What can I say, after putting Vol 1 together I had to purchase the next. I will be back for more.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The attention to detail.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: As with the first, the time it took to assemble.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Peter Y. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/08/2005 00:00:00

Excellent models. Some of the sections are quite tricky to assemble though with patience they come out alright.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: Well designed and layed out<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Not all pages print on my HP 5510v inkjet printer. Some cutoff is occurring due to the lead-out inherent to the printer. However, a copy of Adobe Acrobat enabled me to fix up MOST of the pages.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Cesar M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/03/2005 00:00:00

A very good dungeon layout, it complements good painted miniatures.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: I had a great time building it.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by JOHN S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/26/2005 00:00:00

Stones Edges' stuff is right up there with the best. This is a beautiful set that makes a great dungeon. Works together well with Volume 1. Hope they do more soon!<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The artwork is incredible!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Excellent<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Joel G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/06/2005 00:00:00

I was pretty disappointed in this product. I am a begginer cardstock modeler and this set was pretty darn advanced. It took me well over an hour to build a single wall and I immediately went and bought the competitor's product.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: It looks AWESOME when you can get the models to cooperate<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: I could not get the models to cooperate at all. I recognize that an expert modeler could build a beautiful dungeon with this product, but it was WAY over my head<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>

[2 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by David N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/02/2004 00:00:00

This is a very good low budget way of having a dungeon, the best part is you can keep printing it off and make your dungeon bigger. and if your fed up of it just chuck it away and store the original on cd or hard drive. <br><br><b>LIKED</b>: its a good compact way of having a dungeon to play in.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: to flimsy to store away for a long time. but thats not important you can just print it off again.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Donald E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/22/2004 00:00:00

I bought both Vol 1 and Vol 2 at the same time. These comments apply equally to both.

This is a very nice looking kit, once finished. The 3-D walls are great, and the textures and details are pretty amazing.<br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The finished modules look fantastic. The details are unbelievable. Looks like a real masterpiece when finished.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Many of the modules are very difficult and/or tedious to build. For example, "plank bridge" is built by first building a set of 3-D planks, then building the bridge literally plank-by-plank. The result is amazing but it's VERY time consuming. [The barrels took me about an hour each, built up stave by stave. The results are beautiful but a lot of work.]

This set is NOT for the beginner modeler.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Markus K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 07/22/2004 00:00:00

A good addition to Dungeon Vol. I. You get a solid collection of Walls and floor and nice bonus bits, e.g. the Skull Altar.

The Gear System is a nice work of cardboard engineering -perhaps a bit to much for some, but I like it a lot.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Kingsley W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/24/2004 00:00:00

This is an excellent sequel to the Dungeon I set. I highly recommend this set even if you don't have the first one. You'll still be able to build your dungeon plus more, even more. The bonus is the extended how to guide and instructions, and the unique gears system for opening doors and such. More great color, textures, and beautifully designed layout makes this set really stand out from similiar such sets. I look forward to more of this company's work.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Mike C. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/19/2004 00:00:00

Although most of the pieces are simple to assemble, a few of the more "Fantastic" pieces might be frustrating. However, the assembly manual gives photo instructions for the assembly of every piece in the set. Take your time, and even cardstock newbies should have no problem. (The Doors, and Skull are Fantastic.)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Arjen S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/19/2004 00:00:00

I just finished a piece of this set, and I already have the 1st volume and again it's a marvelous product to look at. Good instructions are included as well.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
The Dungeon Volume 2
Publisher: Stones Edges
by Hisst K. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/17/2004 00:00:00

Excellent set! The colors and graphic quality is superb! The skull is incredible and the gear system looks interesting as well.

Why won't the makers of these 3D dungeons make an angled wall? Sure the curved walls are neat but these two sets and your worldly competitors' set don't have angled walls.

That being said - I highly recommend this set to RPG and Mage Knight players. This set (and the other) is perfectly scaled to MK.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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