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Invasion of House Tor
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by J. L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2019 12:36:05

I loved running this to introduce some friends to D&D! The party consisted of two players new to the game and one who is playing it regularly. They all had a great time!

However, when reading and preparing the adventure I realized that I had to change parts of the story because I found elements of it confusing. It states that magic users are imprisoned and even executed but the players can find Flying Swords in the basement which are clearly magical (and created by magic according to the Monster Manual). I knew my friends would take the investigation part very seriously and draw their conclusions. Which I feared would result in them overthinking and getting frustrated. So I came up with the idea that House Tor is secretly a supporter of magic and gave a few clues in this direction. This worked out fine and played well into the story. (And as expected, the group wondered about the swords but also figured it all out eventually).

What I found really helpful was how the chase was segmented into six obstacles that the players could either succeed or fail. What a simple buildup for a chase! I always find the chase rules of the Dungeon Master's Guide overwhelming and complicated when preparing or even improvising a chase. So I will definitely use the system introduced in this adventure again! Thank you a lot for that! Also, the chase was really fun and engaging for me and the players!

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Invasion of House Tor
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Creator Reply:
Thank you for the review! I actually agree with the story elements and I did not enjoy them looking back; I've removed imprisoning of magical folk part of the story and this should be reflected in copies of the adventure going forward :)
The Howling Valley
Publisher: Dungeon Masters Guild
by J. L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/28/2019 11:53:20

Thank you for sharing! I ran this adventure to introduce a new player to D&D and to our group. He chose to play as a monk, so this fit perfectly! He got into it quickly and the whole group soon was so engaged with the adventure that I chose to expand the oneshot for another session. I added another room and some lore for the monk and the other players to explore. They enjoyed it and got really creative when fighting the monsters and the big bad. I had no problem adding this adventure to our campaign and it was also easy to modify! The printer-friendly version has a nice and simple design. I find this very helpful as a DM and I could use the handout to quickly check for informations and also for taking notes :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Howling Valley
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