This is a nice rule set for running the operations of a thieves guild as a PC business. The level of detail to the rules is high, without being overly complex. The pdf quality is good, with a professional look, except for on page 7 where the text and a table from two different columns overlap and looks really sloppy. Given that this system has a lot of calculations it would be really good to include a spreadsheet file that would automatically do the calculations for the DM. This spreadsheet should be very simple to use and provide the outcome of the weeks events automatically after actions have been assigned. Bookkeeping is the worst part of most "running a business" systems, so it would be best to make this as painless as possible for the consumer.
This is a very short and cute encounter. Really good theme and ideas about how to run it. I will be dropping this into my campaign without any changes, as I thinkt that everything about it is perfect as it is.
This is a great guide to herbalism. A wonderful level of detail as with the alchemy guide. I would love to see expanded rules for both guides on different DC checks for collecting/harvesting ingredients of different rarities and also more information on different environments where certain materials can be found.
Overall, a very good quality product as it stands and useful for any DM wanting to introduce a fleshed out crafting system!
This alchemy system is really fleshed out and amazing. Definitely worth the $1 cost! Any improvement would be to provide a larger list of effect types that can be integrated into alchemy, but the system is flexible enough that a PC and DM could work together to implement any sort of custom effect.
Would love to see the blacksmith guide given a similar level of attention to detail, and even other guides for the other artisan tools!
This blacksmithing guide is one of the best for 5e on DM's Guild as of this writing. However, that does not mean that it is perfect.
Although this implementation of Masterwork is one of the best available, providing flat +1 bonuses is somewhat against the design philosophy of 5e and also BORING. The alterations of disadvantages and limitations of armor with masterwork are much more interesting, and it would be great to see more options like that with Masterwork (like armor being much better fitting and make less noise, or the weapons being perfectly balanced and easier to fight with dual wielding or something). Future work adding more unique benefits or even weapon augmentations that could be crafted into the weapons for a higher DC would really make crafting more interesting.
As it stands, although this is one of the most solid systems it is still not very interesting and it seems like it would be a fairly flavorless diversion from the real adventure for most PCs.
One final point, given the relative lack of uniqueness in this crafting system, the price point of $1 is a bit much. If more novelty and polish were put into this system it would seem justified, but given that it is fairly vanilla it is a bit unfair to ask. It is likely that many experienced DMs will gain nothing new from reading this product.
For a free resource this is a nice DM inspiration. The different random events are fairly generic and could probably be found in other free random generators. However, the list is a good collection and could serve as a good launching point for some more detailed urban adventures!
This resource is a simple but detailed expansion on the system for recruiting followers from the official handbooks. For the simplicity of the system, this document is actually fairly wordy. It could be improved with an even more streamlined and polished explanation of the math for calculating amount of time for recruiting a desired follower.
A simple resource, but it accomplishes what it sets out to do, so this may be of use to you if you are wanting to add some more detail to the follower recruitment system.
This is a really nice document. Even without the crafting system, just the list of different consumables is great. One concern is that the crafting options have the potential to be extremely powerful and still too easy to obtain even with their limitations.
It should not be too difficult to adjust for this, but DMs should be aware that players fully utilizing these options will likely experience a jump in power.
One thing that I found unclear (and could be improved) is how is a player supposed to increase their crafting level? Does it just go up as the player's proficiency bonus increases? I found this unlear in the pdf.
This guide provides a lot of inspiration and a great example of the principle and thought that goes into creating a city state. However, it really lays out a specific example of A SINGLE city state and doesn't really give you the tools to build YOUR OWN city state.
I definitely found this a good read that will help me to deepen some aspects of the city state already present in my campaign, but this document wouldn't really have helped me to create my own custom city state at all.
That being said, the city state that is laid out as an example is very detailed and would provide an excellent setting for any DM's campaign. This document just seems to miss its goal of helping other DMs to create THEIR OWN city state and future resources would be improved by focusing in that direction.
This is a half-decent table of random events that can happen in a city. However, the events are very generic and it is likely that the reader will not find anything unique in this list that they haven't seen before.
This resource could be improved by adding more unique encounter ideas, or provide more detail on how events could be integrated with individual PC personality traits/backgrounds.
Much better resources can be found for free with online random event generators and thus this product is not worth the current $0.99 price tag. Even at that price much better random city events can be found in other DM guild products.
As others have said in their reviews and comments, it is nice to have all of these riddles and puzzles collated into one document. However, there's really nothing unique here that is deserving of the $0.99 price tag.
One way to improve this as a product would be to build in scenarios for how these riddles and puzzles could be integrated into a dungeon or campaign without it feeling forced or artificial. That is one of the really big weaknesses of this type of puzzle that a resource like this could really help DMs with.
As it stands the $0.99 price tag is really only worth it if you are too lazy to google "riddle" or "puzzle", because I'm sure you will find the same ideas for free elsewhere.
The Master Crafter class has a nice progression of abilities. Also, the class abilities themselves and the city feats are nice touches for adding to crafting inclined PCs or NPCs.
The Jack class feels very awkward as it tries to fill a strange niche of "skilled un-skilled laborer". Bizarrely, a character can become up to level 20 (mechanically very skilled/powerful) while thematically being just a farmer. Really, this class feels very forced and I can't imagine ever using it in my own campaign.
In terms of implementation, I don't really see the need to give class levels to NPCs like this document implies. Taking some of the abilities or feats in this document and applying them to a buffed up Commoner NPC and just calling them a "Master Weaver" etc. would be more than sufficient. 5e specifically attempts to move away from the complexity of tracking class levels for NPCs, so this document feels like it is moving in the wrong direction.
Finally, this document has a low level of polish for the requested price. There are a number of typos and formatting inconsistencies throughout the document, as well as a jarring shift between fonts throughout. At this price level one should expect a higher and more professional production quality.
In my opinion this is better suited to a "Pay What You Want" level and the $1.99 price tag is far too high given the quality of other products out there.
This random table cues you to insert details about your individual PCs personality traits, bonds, and even details about the campaign history. It is really a great idea and I wish more resources took this approach. A really useful product!
The diseases are really excellent and add a lot to an area that is fairly undeveloped in the DM guide. The poisons are nice too, but there are other poison guides out there that are more unique and interesting. However, the quality of diseases really stand out and I will definitely be using some of these in my own campaigns.
Now THIS is a supplemental system! The companion video and excel spreadsheet are simply amazing!
This system feels truly polished, usable and provides something NEW and UNIQUE to the community. Not only does this product deserve 5 stars, but all other crafting systems should be lowered by one star.
Take note, this is how it should be done creators!