This is a nice list of ideas for goals a character could pursue while staying in a city in-between dungeoneering. One that caught my eye was sightseer, which would make for fun personality trait for a PC and could also easily be used to provide plot hooks.
Unfortunately, not all of them are useful. For example, "Injured. Seek healing, rest and rejuvenation." is rather self-explantory for a wounded character and non-sensical for one that's not. Furthermore, while some ideas are more generic, like securing lodging or taking care of mounts, others are very specific to the personality and backstory of the character. It would have been nice if these different types had been grouped to make the list more orderly.
The intended use of randomly rolling an action for each character doesn't seem like it would work. I think one would get the most value out of this by selecting the most useful and interesting ideas and presenting those to players while they're making their characters. It could help inspire their character's personalities as well as establish roles within the party for every character. These could then help them decide on which actions to take when visiting a city.