Great work! My players and I have been trying to figure out the best way to use the herbalism tool proficiency, and this doc is a good start. A couple of things I think could make it even more effective: 1) The climate, and plane of exististance where each herb would be found (And maybe even some charts for random rolls if someone wanted to forage for herbs in a particular climate/plane). If a player is trying to find herbs in a city, that can be based on the DC of the particular herb, since herbs from all climates may have been able to make their way to a city. But if a player is in the wild trying to find something, their choices will be limited by what can grow in that climate. Finding the right herbs for a formula and building up a supply to work with is part of the fun of herbalism, and can spur it's own adventures if a player wants to find something particularly rare that growns only in 1 place on the planet (or another plane of existance). 2) It would be nice to include a form for keeping track of herbs a player collects. I would think it could include columns for all the herbs uses and properties, along with climate/plane of origination and date of expiration. But again, nice work! Thanks for all the effort you put into this!