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Wilderness Tile Designer
Publisher: 0one Games
by Andrew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/27/2009 21:01:44

This product is extremely disappointing to me. The artwork is incredibly good and the interface for designing a beautiful 6x6 tile is simple and easy to use. That however is all it does. You cannot save tiles. You cannot create more than one at a time. You must print your 6x6 tile before you can design another one. The implication on the product page to me was that you could design a tile, place it amongst a larger group to form a larger map. The example of a map made with wilderness tile designer seemed to imply that to me. This is not the case at all. You print a numbered design grid. Then hand sketch what you basically want the overall map to look like and then design tiles accordingly. You cannot however save those tiles onto the grid provided it is for planning only.

My second issue with the product is that the tile design is 6x6. That is not a very useful size for the average printer and since you are forced to print the tiles and put them together you waste a lot of paper.

Okay.....Those were my gripes. That being said it can be a very useful tool and the art is very nice. For a computer beginner this is a fine accesory to make 6x6 tiles with.

I suggest for anyone with paint shop or photoshop to make their tiles their or use a mapping program. It will save paper and is a much "greener" solution

[1 of 5 Stars!]
Wilderness Tile Designer
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Bounty! A pdf boardgame (rules only)
Publisher: Savage Mojo
by Andrew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/26/2009 13:26:23

Bounty is a terrific game. This is the rules for the game and additional products are available. If you do not already own those products I suggest you buy the bounty bundle. The graphics for this game are superb. As I have come to expect from a Talisman product the artwork is exceptional and the rules clear and concise.

The rules are easily understood and the game is paced just right. It is not a rules heavy game. The rules providefor a smooth gaming experience that involves strategy luck and laughs. There is great replay value in Bounty! as you can make some story cards yourself if you desire. My previous review of this product was not as flattering because I had not paid attention when I bought the game. Talisman rectified that immediately and offered me a refund. I did not need a refund as I enjoyed the game and was just pointing out, doing it badly, that this was not a complete game. That is now self evident and Talisman gets 5 stars for professionalism as well.

Bounty is a BARGAIN for the amount of fun you will have.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Bounty! A pdf boardgame (rules only)
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OtherWorldly Art Portfolio Volume One
Publisher: Super Genius Games
by Andrew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/09/2009 19:22:20

I was prepared to be a little disappointed when I bought this product to be honest. I have over the years bought my fair share of stock art for various reasons. Generally the old adage you get what you pay for holds true. By this I mean that while some of the pieces in a stock art pack maybe nicely done the majority are something I could have done myself.

This was NOT the case with the OtherWorldly Art Portfolio's I purchased. The entire set of images are very well done. Depending on the pack you select and your needs you should be able to find a use for them all. The Sets I have purchased have proved incredibly useful and better than the old adage. In this case I got much more than I paid for and a pleasant surprise it was. This has held true with all 3 of the products I have purchased from Otherworld Creations. The only constructive criticism I have is that I wish stock art packs came with a description of all the images to be found inside. This is true of most stock art however so that is a nitpick really.

Kudos to the artists and the publisher for making a quality product at an affordable price.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
OtherWorldly Art Portfolio Volume One
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Pantheon Building
Publisher: Bards and Sages
by Andrew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/06/2009 15:27:31

The tools and information provided inside are very useful for a Game Master developing his own Pantheon of Gods. The author, Julie Dawson, breaks down some very complex concepts into short descriptions and suggestions. It covers the different needs of society and moves onto how to fit your deities within a structure that your players will understand. They are after all the representatives of your society while they are in character.

I found this to be an excellent resource. It is only 7 pages so it is not an encyclopedic book of Gods or deities by any stretch, I don't think it was intended to be. I think what this book provides the world-builder GM with is a resource he can go back to again and again. It is one of six books that never leaves my writing desks. I tend to like reference books that are easily accessible and not provide meaty substance. Pantheon Building is both.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Pantheon Building
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Victoriana - The Smoke: 1867 Edition
Publisher: Cubicle 7 Entertainment Ltd.
by Andrew F. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/13/2009 00:50:04

Excellent source book for ANY victorian period campaign. Great maps and well written. It is THE sourcebook to have for London in the 19th century.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Victoriana - The Smoke: 1867 Edition
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