OtherWorldly Art Portfolio Volume One |
$3.99 |
Average Rating:3.2 / 5 |
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I was prepared to be a little disappointed when I bought this product to be honest. I have over the years bought my fair share of stock art for various reasons. Generally the old adage you get what you pay for holds true. By this I mean that while some of the pieces in a stock art pack maybe nicely done the majority are something I could have done myself.
This was NOT the case with the OtherWorldly Art Portfolio's I purchased. The entire set of images are very well done. Depending on the pack you select and your needs you should be able to find a use for them all. The Sets I have purchased have proved incredibly useful and better than the old adage. In this case I got much more than I paid for and a pleasant surprise it was. This has held true with all 3 of the products I have purchased from Otherworld Creations. The only constructive criticism I have is that I wish stock art packs came with a description of all the images to be found inside. This is true of most stock art however so that is a nitpick really.
Kudos to the artists and the publisher for making a quality product at an affordable price.
There are a few nice pieces in this one, but the fact that this is one big PDF instead of separate, useable images (png, tigg, gif, jpg) is annoying because I have to manipulate the PDF file before I can use any one image. Bought as part of a bundle for a low price, so the value was fine.
From looking at the covers of this series I felt they would be a good investment for artwork. However, only the covers are beautifully illustrated and colored, the interiors are black and white - which would be fine, however the actual drawing skill used is very broad. There are some pieces which are very good and some that in my opinion are very amateur. I think for the price there are some better artist series out there, but if you're looking for a mix of styles this isn't necessarily a bad way to go.
The art (all b&w) ranges from so-so to pretty good, none of it up to the standards of the cover. Some of the pieces would benefit from resizing, so all in all the art is worthwhile for it's intended purpose.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: If you like cat-people, get this one, there are some pretty good ones in here. For 23 pictures, there's a decent variety of subjects.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Some of the art is not good enough to be in this (not to my taste, if you prefer), and with five artists doing 23 pictures there is a great inconsistency of style.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
A junk collection-blurry, badly-drawn pictures, some of which appear to be simple tracngs. Most are either dubs from old monster manuals, or clip-art wannabes. Not even worth the $2 sale price.
These are third-grade drawings. No depth, no finish, just unskilled sketches. I seriously doubt that they were produced by published artists, and a Google search fails to support the publisher's claim.
<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Poor<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Ripped Off<br><BR>[THIS REVIEW WAS EDITED]<BR>
Creator Reply: |
I'm sorry you weren't happy with your purchase. All I can say is that the art contained is from some of the most successful artists in the industry and all of it is original. |
I wasn't as impressed with these collections as I had hoped. I expected the artwork to be similar to the cover shown. Since there is no Demo link, it was a shot in the dark - and it missed the mark a bit. The images are from several different artists and all B&W. A few may be useful for my project, but not a large percentage.<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: It was very inexpensive.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: The contents are not representative of the cover and the lack of a demo made it impossible to know beforehand.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>
As a designer (as opposed to a publisher), I'm always looking for cheap or free art for prototypes. This collection fills the bill perfectly. Might not be perfect for a publisher, but if you're looking for ready stock art (which I think is the point of the collection), it's well worth the two bucks (sale price).<br><br>
<b>LIKED</b>: Good variety, easy to use (for me).<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Can't use some of it for my current project- but may be able to in the future!<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Very Satisfied<br>
A fairly nice book. The artwork is very good, and all in black + white, which is perfect for my own needs. But make no mistake about it -- the quality of what you get is nowhere near as high as the quality of the cover, which can be a bit misleading.
The lack of a Demo/preview is suspicious at best, but overall I liked this product. However, I suspect that this won't be for everyone. I mean, can your really make use of a picture of cat-people?
I have to give this 3 stars (out of 5) because I really like this book for myself. But I knock it a point because you basically have to buy it sight-unseen. The lack of demo/preview is sad indeed. There is also the issue of usefulness. Although it is useful to me, I suspect it may be less useful to other publishers. The quality internally is good, but you could do better for the price. If I could give it 3.5 stars, I would.
As expected, the art is very much tied to the Diomin setting from the publisher. That said, the art is good, there are enough generic pieces to make it worthwhile, and hey, you could always create a race of feline humanoids and make use of the rest of the illustrations. Good resource for GMs/independent publishers for the price.
If you're looking for images for a specific project, think about waiting for a demo to become available. (Sadly the company's site doesn't mention this product at all, though it seems to be having an overhaul just now.) You've got the work of 5 different artists here, varying a lot in style and quality, but none as impressive as the cover. The 23 images include 4 featuring cat-people (one in bondage gear!) and 4 of objects. Of course at this low price there's little to complain about. Perhaps best as a sampler of the artists' work, for possible follow-up.
A good product, but it is more an atmospheric product than something useful to a player. If you plan on using the art as a GM then this product will work for you. If you plan on using the art as a player, then there are only a few portraits of use to you.