This is a great product, and I actually prefer it to my expensive 4' x 6' Hotz Arts felt mat.
I had the full map printed off at my local Officeworks on a B0 sheet for $40 AUD, trimmed the edges when I got home, and laminated it with a roll of clear contact.
The star field is nice and uncomplicated, leaving you the option to spice it up with your own additions to the map.
The two set up areas are 6" wide, as advertised, and give you plenty of room for your miniatures, dice, counters, etc.
One thing to note: while the product is provided as a TIF file, it is worth contacting your local print store prior to going in, to make sure that they can print 3' x 4', and to ask what file types they accept for printing (I figured the TIF File would be fine, only to discover that their preferred media type was PDF...). Also some places have restrictions on the size of the file to be printed as well. Photoshop is your friend here.
My final printed product now has a home in two 60mm wide postal cylinders, and will be brought out for use as necessary.
Well worth the money.