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This is now my defacto Downtime System for 5e games. The expanded options feel grounded and really make downtime more consistent across different activities. I'm obsessed with mundane activities in magical worlds and this can very much bring that to life. I also appreciate the compatibility notes for other publications, such as Walrock's Strongholds.
I primarily use the downtime activities themselves rather than the downtime proficiencies, which add just one layer too many of complication for my tastes, but they're easy to use without those rules and I can see multiple types of campaigns that would benefit from them.
Definitely recommended
I'm glad I picked this up, especially for a very competitive price. If you miss the dragonspawn statblocks from monster manual IV, they make great enemies for a draconic themed campaign. I needed the bluespawn for a game I played back in the early 2000s and wanted to revive, and rather than building them myself I was grateful to have this.
There are a few things that feel kind of wonky, balance-wise. For example, the Bluespawn's lightning attacks all deal roughly the same amount of damage, regardless of their DC. It's a bit strange that the Bluespawn Ambushers, Stormlizards and Burrowers all have the same xDy on their main attacks. That said, I'd recommend this to anyone who wants draconic themed minions. Lots of value here.
Throughout 20+ years of DMing and three editions of the game, I've had players who wanted to make trophies, potions, and magic items from the carcasses of supernatural creatures they've vanquished, and I've always had to BS my way through it. Hamund's Harvesting Handbook is a comprehensive system that satisfies your waste-not-want-not, Witcher-emulating players. It has the following:
- A system for assessing & harvesting creatures, with different skills required for different creature types & rules for decomposition of corpses
- Extensive tables for every creature in the Monster Manual, specifying exactly what can be harvested from each creature, the GP weight and DC for said harvestables, and what they can be crated into. It also accounts for things like "Devils don't leave behind corpses" and "elementals don't really have bodies,"
- A bunch of new items all ready to be made from bits and pieces of monsters, all well balanced, with actual crafting rules for making them (beyond Xanathar's Guide's rules).
With a little study this sytem will fit right in to your campaign. Bear in mind that this will let your characters get a little more gold value from their kills by harvesting valuable components, but the gold values aren't excessive and when they're measurable, it's for creatures like dragons, who should be worthy prizes.
Definitely recommended, I can't wait to pick up the other books in this series.
Not much to say other than the font looks great, it's nice to have this to add some panache to your props and spice up a Descent Into Avernus or other infernal campaign. And the money goes to charity! What's not to love?
Awesome supplement. I am a big fan of items that grow in power as the players do, and this system delivers on that fantasy. It is fairly crunchy, and I'll admit my barbarian took me by surprise when he unlocked the power of unlimited flight on his greataxe...but he's a Tier 3 PC and you expect that sort of thing.
Nice little add-on system, easy to use, does the thing you want it to do and somewhat replaces the old 3.5e system where you can build magic items by stacking different qualities and bonuses, which I miss.
This is a nice asset that filled a vital role in my campaign. One of those, "My thief PC went off the rails and I need a cool set piece for them right now" assets that was easy to find on the guild, extremely competitively priced, and simple to integrate into my VTT solution of choice. Great little pick up.
An evocative and fun subclass for the Blood Hunter. Ran a campaign up to level 13 for a Lycan Blood hunter. The character always came across as extremely powerful, very dynamic and active compared to some of the other party members, but I don't feel that it's unbalanced. It shouldn't present too much of a challenge for a DM of average skill level and it gives lots of exciting options in combat, exploration and roleplay for players. Recommended.
Let me get this out first--I have no idea how balanced most of this content is. I've played some of the options in it and given some of the options to my PCs (especially the Young Characters rules, those are great for a magic school campaign). Some of the spells and feats might through a DM for a loop and there's so much in here I haven't playtested it all.
That said, I love this book. It really feels like a box of tools I can use to customize characters for mechanically supported storytelling. The variant humans & additional spells are my favorite content but there's so much in here. Worth the price and will add a lot of variety to your campaigns.
If you, like me, miss the 3.5e Draconomicon and its wide array of Draconic statblocks, this product is an easy purchase. Extremely handy for populating dragon encounters at a wide variety of levels. Simple, cheap, does exactly what it says on the tin. Solid buy and easy recommend.
Fantastic supplement. I used this to populate my "Living Baldur's Gate" campaign. Instead of just saying "This settlement has all items listed in the player's handbook," your PCs can now go looking for particular merchants of different trades, browse their wares, haggle, and more. It adds a lot of life to an urban campaign and is super helpful for when the party goes off the beaten path and decides to go shopping.
FURTHERMORE, and perhaps even MORE useful, it has a merchant listing for Fairy Bargains and "Needful Things," for when your party wanders into a sinister looking antique shop, as well as magic item vendors. Xanathar may have done a little work to improve the process of buying magic items (an area in which 5e is woefully lacking), but I'd much rather use these tables and lore. This book has saved me when my party ran into some otherworldly power and wanted to work out a deal on several occasions. Easy recommend.
Big fan of this supplement. Adding special terrain to an encounter is a layer of complexity that takes a standard smash-the-boss-affair to a tactical puzzle. There are terrain effects for a wide variety of planes, dungeons, situations. Some are harmful, some are potentially useful, my favorite are both. Definitely recommended.
This adventure is well written and very user friendly. It's a wonderful change of pace if you're used to hacky-slashy affairs, or it would fit right in with a group that loves to explore, roleplay, and enjoy the world around them.
The adventure features very few maps, so it lends itself to theater-of-the-mind style combat (there are a few combat scenes).
I ran this as a one-shot with a time limit of three hours, which was not enough. I imagine you could finish this in 4-5 hours with a focused group, but a group that's really enjoying the wine theme and the lovely characters in the town may want more time than that.
Be advised that this adventure makes a few choices that lean towards the cinematic, which may frustrate some players (for example, there's a scripted event that cuts a combat short and allows a foe to escape). This isn't a design flaw but it does inform the sort of parties that are best suited for the adventure.
All in all, well worth picking up, a steal at the current price, easy to incorporate into a campaign, and adds a great location to your map that players will likely wish to visit again.
I ran this as a one shot for my Actual Play stream, and the party had a lot of fun with it. It's neatly divided into several scenes, each with colorful characters and interactive elements. They managed to go (almost) the entire way through without making a single attack roll. If your party is looking for something self-contained, entertaingly written, a far cry from the standard hack-and-slash-athon and full of fairy flavor, I'd definitely recommend it.
As the Dungeon Master, I feel it may be best for you to prime your characters a few ways for this game. The opening hook is somewhat "But thou must!" if handled poorly. It essentially saddles the party with a fey debt or accusation of murder and then threatens them with nasty fairy consequences if they don't jump through the adventure's hoops. Said hoops are FUN, but you will either need to do some pre-work to make sure they don't feel railroaded, or just come from behind the screen and ask them to just go along with it.
The characters and situations in the adventure are a lot of fun, but you'll need to ad-lib some bits if the party delves too deeply. Nothing out of the ordinary for an adventure, just expect that if your party asks things like "So, unicorn, where are you from? Why are you here? What do you do in your downtime?" you'll need to do the DM thing and wing it. Not all characters have names so keep some fey-appropriate names on hand (most of the important characters are named and full of delightful personality, so you should be mostly set).
The last encounter/challenge really relies on the players to come up with creative solutions and you to make those work and invent details. My party felt a bit lost here. Again, either prime your party for thinking outside the box and adding details to scenes in order to solve problems, or be prepared to prod them a bit in ways not specifically covered by the module to get them through it.
I'd say the adventure probably takes 3-4 hours to run. We tried to clear it in 3 and ended up rushing the last scene (and I fast-forwarded a bit through the first scene), so as a one shot give yourself a healthy amount of time. Overall, this is a lot of fun and I definitely recommend it for groups that enjoy cheerful, puzzle and roleplay focused excitement.
This is the perfect supplement for a campaign set in Baldur's Gate, whether you're running Descent Into Avernus or just want to expand the City of Blood to keep your characters busy. The sites and quests are the right feel for the city, but vague enough to be dropped wherever you need. The assets included make it easy to run on the virtual tabletop solution of your choice. The division into quests (some with their own maps, rather creative and easy-in-easy out), bounties (evocative villains with special abilities, backstories, and hefty prices on their heads), random encounters (including a much needed Sewer encounter table), and establishments are modular, easily incorporated, and just fleshed out enough to give you space to use them.
Definite buy for anyone running in Baldur's Gate, probably a buy for city campaigns in general.
Good product that I've deployed on several occasions. The Soldier is a great and badly needed middle ground between the default Guard and the much more powerful Veteran. Several other statblocks in this product fill similar roles, covering gaps in the challenge rating and versimilitude of the NPCs in the Monster Manual and other official supplements. I thik the ideal target price for this product is $2-$3