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Knights of Invasion • A World of Adventure for Fate Core Pay What You Want
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Knights of Invasion • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
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Knights of Invasion • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Björn L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/09/2022 12:29:33
Knights vs aliens - a Mephisto review

Knights of Invasion

Two kingdoms share a volcanic island. The kingdom of Regen in the north has wood resources and good maritime trade relations; Stroming in the south has built up a small industry with its ore deposits. But relations between the two kingdoms are strained - partly because a political marriage has not come about. A tournament on the occasion of a birthday is supposed to calm down the tensions again (or secure one party's advantage). If that still sounds too straightforward for a Fate World of Adventure: At this point, the aliens come into play, whose invasion must be repelled...

Knights of Invasion follows the approach of many Fate worlds to combine two unusual components. Here it is knights and aliens. However, the book clearly defines itself as a one-shot (possibly even to be played at a convention). It offers several alternatives for the game master - why the atmosphere between the kingdoms is so bad, who the aliens are, and what they want. After the background and rules section, there are three scenario variants, each with a different premise and progression. Regarding mechanics, there are the usual minor adjustments to character creation, extras in the form of equipment or mounts, medieval siege equipment, and rules for jousting. The aliens can be created with a modular system using limitations, stunts and technology.

As a one-shot entry into Fate, Knights of Invasion is a fitting approach: it starts with the seemingly conventional medieval setting followed by a genre switch. The ideas and three scenarios offer plenty of starting points for fine-tuning. From my view, the setting lacks a clear sense of how the player characters are supposed to succeed in fighting back an advanced enemy realistically - but perhaps that is just not important for such a one-shot, which is better played cinematically. Knights of Invasion thus offers a fast-paced and potentially action-packed genre mix fitting to test Fate but is definitely not meant to support a long campaign.

(Björn Lippold)

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Knights of Invasion • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by David D. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/10/2019 19:40:58

I don't like FATE but i LOVE this adventure. The initial medieval setting is well designed by itself. The book actually contains 3 distinct alien invasion scenarios ALL of which are well written, well thought out, well detailed, and FUN.

I really wanted to dislike this product due to the ruleset but everything else other than the rules is so well done, useful, and original that I can't really go lower than 5 stars.

I can't wait to run it (but I will certainly NOT be using FATE to do so!)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Knights of Invasion • A World of Adventure for Fate Core
Publisher: Evil Hat Productions
by Kyrinn E. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2016 12:35:01

Let me preface this review by saying that I really don't like FATE at all. I download these settings when they look interesting, and most fall flat for me as very niche ideas or what have you...

This one, however, is really good, like, REALLY GOOD. I recommend players of any fantasy RPG system to pay something to download this setting module. The artwork is quirky, and at times, downright lovely. Wait until you see the Emerald Knight in its full glory, or the alien line up piece.

OK, what is this about? A low tech setting, potentially fantastical, but mediaeval-like in technology and feudal set up, is invaded by space (or dimensional) aliens. Which aliens? A quick idea generator is included, as well as defined powers for comparison to other systems, for outlining them in a manner germane to your chosen game system.

Imagine the Emerald Knight as a Green Slaad and the invaders as Githyanki, for instance.

Again, well worth a paid download.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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