Slave Drivers is a very simple adventure. It features exactly one location and features just one NPC important enough to have a name - and even that NPC doesn't even have a physical description.
You should be able to finish the adventure in one evening or less, according to the author you can finish it 2hours - so you might want to prepare something or your players will be bored once they "end" the adventure.
The name is misleading as well, there are no slaves in this adventure (unless undeads can be considered slaves), the players don't need to investigate much - since there's no red herring they should be able to find the spot they are supposed to be (the only spot that has a description) pretty easily.
If you know Come for the Reaping, you'll see that the your heroes will face the same opponents again. But this time they have no physical description and only a stat-block - and even in the worst case they'll face less half as many as in CftR. Which is strange since CftR is an adventure for a 1st level group and Slave Drivers an adcenture for a 3rd level group.
The reason might be to allow you group to slice through this adventure like a hot knife through butter.
At the end they'll find some clues that lead them to... the next adventure in the series. So, there's no way you can play this adventure witout the others - unless you invest some time to write the actual adventure around the basic information given here.
But you'll need a lot of time anyway there is just one read-aloud scene description (the starting scene). No NPC has a physical description and you bet that they don't have any personal traits. Since there are no other locations, you can either railroad you players as fast as you can to that location or prepare yourself for a lot of work.
It's not really an adventure, it's more like a part, a fraction of an adventure. <br><br><b>LIKED</b>: The 2 maps are nice.<br><br><b>DISLIKED</b>: Same badguys as in CftR, the same undeads as in CftR, no read-aloud scene descriptions, just one location, playing time less than one gaming session, no description of NPCs, no motivations given for NPCs, no useful background information, strongly tied to the next adventure, price tag ($6.60) way to high for what you get - a lot of 2$ PDFs here give you more for the buck.<br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Ripped Off<br>