Well, this file has 20 pages, 5 of which are cover-pages, legal stuff or similar fluff. Another two pages deal with "political stuff" like "advice on talking about sex with other people, being tasteful, gender positivity, sex, gender and sexual orientation. One page lists other names for pimps and hookers.
The remaining 12 pages consist of typical information you would expect from a short file, like how a brothel will look for a destitute or an aristocratic environment, cultural attitudes of fantasy races to prostitution, diseases you may get by involving in carnal pleasures and similar stuff. It is ok, but it is far from being outstanding.
My biggest problem with this file is the "bloating" (eight pages of twenty do not really contribute to the matter, but simply bloat the file) and the lack of something original that you could not have made up for yourself.
The title is also somewhat misleading, as no example for a whorehouse that you can drop into your game is given.
Well, if you have never read a book about how to flesh out a city, this book is for you. It has 238 pages that describe that a city has different quarters and that you will find several craftsmen, government-buildings and so on in a city. BUT it does not do more than describe each of these craftsmen/buildings on one or two pages. So if you need help by imagining how the shop of a blacksmith or a clothier or a brothel would look like, this book is for you. However, if that is not enough for you, you will find (like me) that this book could have been trimmed down to ten pages (at most), consisting of a list of craftsmen, government-buildings and so on. You will not find much on a cities economy, military, demographics, disease, sanitation, water supply, population size of at typical city in pre-modern times, the ruling classes or the role of a city in the middle-ages (or any other period of time). You also will not find much on typical city adventures or the like. In my opinion, this book is just a bloated list! I would not buy this again!
Creator Reply: |
Xorn, we are sad that you are having issues with “City Builder” and very much hope the following will help you to get the most out of it. This edition of the book was a labor of love for our team and we spared no effort to create something that would have immeasurable ongoing value to storytellers and game designers of all sorts.
First, please ensure that you have downloaded the correct file for the most recent version of this book, titled “City_Builder(03-05-2020).pdf”. Around April 7-8 there was a file download problem with this title in which customers could not access the correct file and, even worse, were being prompted to download ones that were not even associated with this book. DriveThruRPG helped us to sort that out very quickly but we want to make sure this is not accounting for the problems you are experiencing.
Second, we would like to direct you to the specific topics, as per your comments, for which you were unable to find information in “City Builder”:
* We address the economies of communities throughout this book, to include a brief section on Availability of Goods & Services (p 23); an entire large chapter on Mercantile Places that looks at the role of 10 different sorts of institutions, including Banks, Brokerages, and Trade Fairs (pp 125-143); and entries on Guildhouses (pp 87-90) and Guilds (pp 95-99). Most of the 85 entries devoted to types of places also describe their roles in the local economy.
* We address military matters throughout the book, a few notable examples being a discussion of military bases (pp 20-21), the section on Law & Order (pp 23-24), the section on Community Defenseworks (pp 26-28), and in entries devoted to Barracks (212-214) and Guardhouses (pp 215-216).
* We address demographics in general on pages 13-15 and almost every one of the 85 entries devoted to types of places includes at least one paragraph that addresses how it might be used by members of various socioeconomic groups or be differentiated by members of specific races (e.g., Dwarves, Goblinoids). We explicitly use the word “demographic” five times throughout the book.
* We address the topic of disease in the section on Disasters (pp 28-34) and several other places throughout the book, including in the entry on Hospitals (pp 90-92) and on pages 17, 106, 122, 178, and 205.
* We address the population sizes of Small Communities, Towns, and Cities on pp 15-18.
* We address sanitation and water supply extensively in this book, some notable examples being throughout the entirety of the Introduction and in entries devoted to Hospitals (pp 90-92), Bathhouses (pp 147-148), Laundries (157-160), and Watering Points (pp 170-172).
* We address the ruling classes of communities throughout the book, notably throughout the Introduction and in an entire 10-entry chapter on Governmental Places (pp 209-227).
* Finally, every one of the 85 types of places covered in this book includes two or three adventure hooks and most have a paragraph on activities characters might do at them, meaning about 20,000 words of this book are specifically devoted to the topic of adventures. Beyond that, of course, the entirety of this c. 120,000-word book is designed to show how communities and places within them can serve as venues for adventure. |
I really great book. Yes it is a whole book! And it has 146 pages, even if you substract all pages that have no real content!
This book is a real labour of love by a fan, for the fans!
What is the content?
A new way to assign existing feats, according to background and attributes of your character.
Eight pages of new feats.
Homebrewed classes
Character concepts
Bbest of all: It is pay what you want! So you can get that book for the price of a cup of coffee or even for free, in case you are really broke or dirt poor. Even if you do not like all ideas in the book, you will be able to get lots of new ideas to use in your campaign.
Well, it is quite difficult for me to write a review. Why? Because this booklet is very, very short. However, it has one brilliant idea on how to create interesting battles and/or points of decisions for adventures. If you give your players some options to decide for A or B or C and map out, how things will go forward at a latter stage of that battle, that really makes for interesting battles. Your players will not be able to do A and B and C. Therefore, whatever they do, will result in a different second stage of the battle. This makes for really interesting scenarios, as your players will be able to influence things, while you are still able to make at least some bad things happen and increase tension, regardless of what the players do (if players defend against A, meanwhile threat B will grow and create complications later on). It is like a decision tree, where every decisions the players make, will lead to different results later on.
Well, you can buy this book. But you should not.
Why? Because you will not find anything in it that you will not find in the Dungeon Masters Guide (Dungeon & Dragons) or any other book on DMing that you already have.
We all already know that you will have to decide on whether the gods of a fantasy world are real or not. And we all already know that there are worlds with lots of magic and other worlds with no magic at all.
Abstract texts on what one may or may not decide for a campaign world, will not help me that much. I am far more interested in things that are not that commonly discussed, like, for example, ideas on how ones decisions will affect the style of play. Are the gods fickle? Do they demand sacrifices or holy vows? If yes, how do I incorporate that into my game? What are the disadvantages of a game where everybody has 200 hitpoints and can kill half the city with one magic spell? Is there perma-death and no resurrection, cure disease or magical healing? How will that affect the mood of the game? How should poisons work? Should you have diseases, stress or madness, like in DarkestDungeons? Why would you want to do away with some spells (like travel-magic or create food and water or gamey spell like Ottilukes Grand Hotel)? Does it make sense to limit certain classes to certain races or cultures or can anybody, even someone from NewYork City, become a druid or a barbarian?
What is more:
There are 20 pages of "fluff" that are simply there to increase the page count. I was quite disappointed.
A very good product. It consists "only" of nine pages (not counting the first two pages, which consist of artwork), so do not expect to get a whole campaign book. But those nine pages consist of five or six adventure ideas per page (one paragraph each); so you will get approximately fifty well formulated ideas for adventures to work with. Layout and artwork are very good as well. You will not find any stats for monsters or opponents, so this little booklet should be useful for anybody who plays medieval-style rpgs.
Well, it is a list and it has 100 entries. However entries like "You think Ogres are cool" or "You do not believe, Elves exist" or "You are lacking on gold piece to buy a book" are really lame. I think, most people can do better if they care.
Do not buy this stuff!
Von 20 Seiten entfallen 5 Seiten auf Einband, Inhaltsverzeichnis und Werbung (2 Seiten am Ende). Es bleiben also 15 Seiten an Inhalt.
Hierbei wird auf 15 Seiten allgemein beschrieben, was ein Bordell oder eine Spielhölle ist bzw. historisch war. Sorry, aber das wusste ich vorher auch schon. Die "Adventure-Hooks" die angeboten werden (etwa 3 bis 4 pro Hintergrund) sind sehr allgemein und wenig originell.
Natürlich kann man bei US-$ 1,99 keine Wunder erwarten. Da wäre es mir aber deutlich lieber, wenn ich eine Tabelle mit Zufallsgenerator bekomme oder "Adventure-Hooks". Den "historischen Abriss" kann ich bei Wikipedia kostenlos bekommen.
Finger weg!