This is an idiosyncratic look at the Second World War for d20 Modern. It might be more accurately described as the US Infantry Player's Guide as there is little outside Airborne Divisions and US civilian life in this book. Some of the information presented in general way (such as the section on Gender) is true for the US but totally incorrect for other nations.
The layout looks great with good use of archive photos. I also appreciated the provision of a landscape version of the text (but no text only option for printing). However the text often seems sloppy with the captions having particularly noticeable spelling and grammar problems. The links from the Table of Contents did not work either.
The rules implementation is not to my taste with the addition of three new stats all of which could have happily been addressed via Feats and none of which link to any skills. Few of the new Skills really deserve to be separate from the Profession or Knowledge catchalls. Some like Interrogation could well have been a specific task under an existing Skill (such as Intimidation). Others are far too specific such as "Protect Military Information" while others, such as Parachuting might have been better as a Class Feat than a skill in their own right. Crawl was a particularly odd one for me, is Crawling really a skill? If it is about being able to crawl for long distances surely the Endurance feat already has it covered?
This is really an enthusiastic fan effort and needs much harder thinking on the design and a broadening of scope before it can be truly be described as a WWII Player's Guide. The price is also way off beam, this is more of four or five dollar product than fifteen.