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World War II Heroes - Players Guide
Publisher: SteelMagic Studios
by Dana J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/11/2004 00:00:00

Well, I must say I am thoroughly impressed, and that's not something I say very often. This book is an non-FX treatment of World War II, unlike Hell on Earth or Wierd Wars. I consider it superior to the Hollistic Designs Real Life D20 books on modern warfare, and its on par with Blood & Guts from RPGObjects.

The Pluses: The book is completely D20 compliant. It is well researched and accurate. Lots of classes, feats, skills, and other crunchy goodness.

The minuses: The book is completely focused on the European Western Front theater of operations. No trips to North Africa, Italy, the Eastern front in Russia, or the Pacific Theater with this book. Technical production errors. The links in the table of contents don't work. There's no bookmarks, either. And in the landscape version, there were a number of incidents where the background image actually overlapped the text. It's PDF. The author could have put a little more effort in providing better details on weapons and vehicles.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
World War II Heroes - Players Guide
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Blood and Guts (1st Edition) Bundle
Publisher: RPG Objects
by Dana J. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/30/2003 00:00:00

Well, months after the purchase, I finally got around to printing this book out so I could sit down and read it thoroughly. Now, when I print stuff, I use custom settings for my HP deskjet. I use the minimum amount of ink and the longest period of drying time allowed by the printer's management software. When I finished printing out the first 20 pages, I discovered that the production staff itself must have never run the product out on an inkjet. I was forced to hang all the pages out to dry on a clothesline thanks to the sheer volume of ink laid down for the fat black text you'll find on every single page. So my word of advice is this: If you print it out, either take the time to print one page at a time over the course of a couple days, or print it out in draft mode. Otherwise you'll find yourself wasting paper and ink.

Now, getting back to basics, this is a rather good book, greatly expanding beyond the Soldier advanced class in D20 Modern, supplemented by plenty of feats and skills, old and new. If you're running a military campaign, I think this product will prove to be a far better value than D20 Afghanistan and its ilk. There are a few inaccuracies, but nothing outrageously troublesome. The downside is that if you want some opponents to throw at these elite soldiers, you have to go buy the other Blood & Guts product.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Blood and Guts (1st Edition) Bundle
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