well i can not think of makeing it a 2 star or a 3 star. i get the concept and like the idea, i how ever do not like the format of the book.
it seems to be a jumble of ideas put on paper were there is no orginized skills used and all seems to be 1 122 page paragraph.
it is very anoying takes 30 mins of stairing at a page till i am able to understand were one section leaves off and another begins.
i like the idea f how it if freely open game for you to make your own rules unlike other games were rules are set and if you do not agree with it tobad. this is more open to any type of war game of any era and it has a sorta halfed orginized character sheet. (i think it should have been 3 page sheet to better space out the subjects)
I think the author should reformat the whole freaking book space out the section and paragraphs so it is easyer to read and understand with out over loading your brain, and give thoes who already bought it the updated version. or seperate each main subject into differnt books.
oddly i must add the printer friendly version is much more easyer to read and understand cause it is a tiny bit more orginized.
i say if you have a lot of time on your hands get it, nice ideas, but a pain in the butt to read.