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Hell on Earth (1939-1945) World War II
Publisher: Bloodstone Press
by Nicholas N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2004 00:00:00

I thought that it was fairly well written and it definitely had some things that I could use, but I was kind of hoping for more (is that such a crime?). I would still strongly recommend this to anyone looking to run a game in this era. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Acceptable<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Hell on Earth (1939-1945) World War II
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World War II Heroes - Players Guide
Publisher: SteelMagic Studios
by Nicholas N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2004 00:00:00

This book was well intentioned, but poorly executed. I had high expectations (as I have ran WWII games in the past). I was looking for a more through look at the genre in game terms, but this book fell short. Don?t make the same mistake I did? pass this one and wait for something better? <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Disappointing<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Disappointed<br>

[2 of 5 Stars!]
World War II Heroes - Players Guide
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Omaha Beach - WWII Heroes Mission Pack 1
Publisher: SteelMagic Studios
by Nicholas N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2004 00:00:00

Despite the disappointment of the ?World War II Heroes- Players Guide,? this mission (though brief) wasn?t that bad. I cannot say I would recommend the Players Guide, but I could recommend this. <br><br><b>QUALITY</b>: Very Good<br><br><b>VALUE</b>: Satisfied<br>

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Omaha Beach - WWII Heroes Mission Pack 1
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