A very realistic environment and system, with an impressive historic research, this guide succesfully puts the players into the battlefield supported with a great amount of vehicles and weaponry.
No magical healing or bullet-dodging. You are hit: unless you are extremely lucky or really high level PC, you are dead.
Using of full or 3/4 cover is a must (unless you have suicidal tendencies).
The author implemented a real nice set of rules to handle automatic-weapon (or burst) fire and sniping.
Although, this guide has many typos (nothing really important) and some errors/omisions that need an Errata (or second version) RIGHT NOW.
IE: Mentions some inexistant feats/skills. Some feats/skills are poorly explained and others are crystal clear.
The web support in the author site sounds promising, but so far, it fails to answer many questions regarding the rules.
So don't count on it. Probably you will need to figure them out using your logic/imagination.
The system makes some changes to the d20 system, that although clear and logic, not easier to translate to gameplay for a master/player used to DnD. Get ready to some slow first game-sessions.
IE: Any PC level 1 has AT LEAST 10 feats and 40 skill points (character creation times increases A LOT).
Despite all this, I must agree with other reviews: This game is GREAT. Worth buying it !