Edit: Wow, what a difference 15 years makes. These days most of my purchases are PDF. I still prefer hardback for sitting and reading, but PDFs are awesome for referencing, and for taking a bunch of books with me when I travel. I've revised my original rating to 5 of 5, because I no longer believe PDF only is a drawback. And apparently there was POD available back then? Who knew? Anyway, original review below, but these days I don't hate on PDFs
I hate ebooks. Especially ebooks set to weird paper sizes. A4? Who uses A4? Sure, the UK, but the hell with those guys (Tim: poke)
But I bought Legends Walk! even though it's only available in ebook. Legends Walk! is one of only two products I've shelled out money for in ebook form because I couldn't get a proper bound edition. (This was true back when I wrote it.)
I think that fact speaks for itself.
LIKED: I like the core idea: heroes deriving powers from ancient gods. I like the execution of the splats, and the variety shown (especially when you throw in the two splat books). Some people say the didn't like the lack of artwork. I like the lack or artwork. Especially today when so much art is simply filler material instead of useful imagery, I'd rather see the thousand extra words instead.
DISLIKED: The system is crunchier than I like. But plain ol' rock/paper/scissors has one element too many for my tastes, so just about any system is too crunchy for me. I'll carve out what I don't like.
Did I mention I hate ebooks? Make a proper bound edition! I'm marking off points on the product just for that.
QUALITY: Very Good
VALUE: Very Satisfied