Sure, you can make up your own new backgrounds, but I'm going to pull up this PDF when my players make characters and offer these instead of working that hard!
There isn't a single one of these backgrounds that I wouldn't allow, though there are a few that I would consider tweaking just a little bit. On top of that, they all make good sense in terms of equipment and feature choices.
The only thing keeping it from being a 5 star for me is that a few of the features contain elements that could be just a touch more powerful than others. This comes in the form of certain granted abilities being "automatic" as in "you can just do this thing" where I feel like they should convey advantage on the activity in question. You may not have that issue so it could very well be your next 5 star addition to your game.
In terms of production and what it offers to your players, this is an easy yes for adding to your game.