A very nice little supplement if you think magic should be a more lively, and given most of the effects dramatic natures, this piece could even be used as a cheap Wild Spellcraft enhancement.
The 20 page little piece includes a brief introduction and then gets on to general spell failure, the rules for more the more interesting stuff you bought this book for, and then goes on to generic spell failure. That ranges from "playing with explosives" bad to "huh... I thought that spell did something" gone.
The real meat comes from the class divisions. The baseline spell slinging classes (Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid, Bard, Cleric, Ranger and Paladin) each have their own table for spell screw-ups. There are a few repeats, but nothing inadequte for the respective caster.
Everything is ready for use right from the get go, and unlike Wild Spellcraft, these accidental effects would actually make really impressive spells.
There's not much in the way of illustration; a few line drawings of generic characters and the wretch on the front page, but that's about it. The formatting is nice and I noted no typos.
I would've liked to see spell's gone wrong according to school in addition to class, but this piece is full of useful material. It's quite a bargin, considering its price.