Good art, good layout, good deal. Only complaint is I wish the trunks of the trees were in the center of the square (making it easier to say those squares cannot be occupied).
A good bit of work from SKG once again. Nice straight cooridors and good chamber corners creates great flexibility.
Many good ideas, definately a way to ensure you never have a dull night running a fantasy campaign.
Many good ideas, definately a way to ensure you never have a dull night running a sci-fi campaign
A classic Treaty on the Illithid, well written, I just wish they had a "pigdin" translation of the writing method of the Illithid.
A very solid organization tool. Definately more for the GM. I plan on combining several of the pages with Goodman Games Campaign tracker, I figure then it will really rock!
For those who dont mind adventuring in 2D the e-Adventure series is good quality layouts for gaming.
You may have seen the book experts in your game store. Well this book handles everyone else. I hope someday to see this fine title in print.
Solid, and very thurough analysis. If you are looking for a bit of reality in your game world this product is for you.
For $5 you get the best horror-western game out there, you darn-tootin!
Incredible detail, great instructions. Kudos to World Works.
Lots of rules for putting a game into "the game" without taking the focus off the story you are telling. The concept of Degree of Success really plays well and several contests have been successfully integrated into my game. Whats nice is you can also make up your own games and use the general mechanics provided to make them work just as well. All in all a great buy and one I am glad to say I made.
If there was a line of products I wished they would sell in Stores it is the WorldWorks line. Pre-printed on card stock this item would fly off shelves, I am sure of it. The quality of the art is fantastic. The instructions are very stright forward. The tips and tricks are very helpful.
The only issue I had (and its a small one) is the river bend doesnt join up well with itself if you want to do two curves in a kind of S.
The flexibility of this product and the fact that you can print as many of a house design you want, it is a real bargin.
The fact that the second floor is seperate from the first enables you to have an all stone building, a stone and wood building, a stone and plaster building, or just a single story stone building. And there are 3 different roof styles to make up to at least 36 unique structures, add to that that there are 2 different sizes and you can have a village of 72 different buildings.
Mentioning the roof, alot of lesser building kits have the roof either have to line up exactly with the edge of the house or the overlap shows the color of the paper. The VillageWorks design has that covered in a very good way.
So in short, lots of goodies. Good price. Good Buy.
You may after buying this wonderful supplement smack your head and go "I could have done this" but the nice thing is someone else (Phillip Reed) has gone to all the work to do it for you. Its a good list of some unique items, it of course makes some assumptions about the world you are running your game in. None of the items are too over powered but I would not just put them in a random treasure chart either.
The full color version of this product is beautifully done and if I had enough color ink to print it in such a form I would have. The Black & white though is still very clean and easy to read.
Another nice thing about this product is he introduces a few new "materials" that can be used to make your own items.
And for the low price that it was going for when I bought it, it was worth the money, not just for the things inside but the ideas it generated.
You may after buying this wonderful supplement smack your head and go "I could have done this" but the nice thing is someone else (Phillip Reed) has gone to all the work to do it for you. Its a good list of some unique items, it of course makes some assumptions about the world you are running your game in. None of the items are too over powered but I would not just put them in a random treasure chart either.
The full color version of this product is beautifully done and if I had enough color ink to print it in such a form I would have. The Black & white though is still very clean and easy to read (minus I think a total of 1 editting errors-the Basilisk skin item references Hyrdaskin)
Another nice thing about this product is he introduces a few new "materials" that can be used to make your own items, like both the aforementioned Basilisk skine and Hydraskin.
And for the low price that it was going for when I bought it, it was worth the money, not just for the things inside but the ideas it generated.