if you have the cash to print up alot of color graphics this is a great set. the trees look good as well as the fences.
if you want to have a vast ammount of hills available to you you'll need to spend some cash as these are ink intensive terrain peices.
for what it is you get exactly what you pay for. a very cheep (if temporary) alternative to a Battle mat or Mega Mat. very low on the ink usage. i'd reccomend using a laser printer to save more.
I originally thought this was going to be a primer on the 50 Fathoms game but it ended up being a qusai- historical battle on the high seas. A good introduction the the system and it can be used to insert you players into the setting (see book for details as to how humans came to Ograpog) a good job nonetheless
An indespensable tool, you can have one of these printed and bound for about $5 where i live. It is an invaluable resource to my players and keeps all those "how much does this cost?" questions to a minimum.
Great job GWG